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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Really? You didn't say anything slightly stronger? 🤣 Good progress made, despite the injury. Well done 👍.
  2. Nice work! Must have been very satisfying. 👍
  3. You know I don't have a boat at present Pete. I'm just sharing my knowledge to help a new joiner. Why the dig, eh?
  4. Sounds like you'd be looking for a semi-displacement hull, rather than a displacement hull such as the Colvics then. These tend to have speed and stability together.
  5. You didn't specify fillets Neil, keep up!
  6. Didn't work for you though, did it?! 🤣
  7. Yeah I was thinking of him when I typed that. He's still around on our Outlaws WhatsApp but he's deleted all his posts on the forum. Genuinely not sure if he'll be back or not. I hope so, but let's see.
  8. Yeah, he didn't want his anchor tangled again so he left me behind 😭.
  9. Welcome! What sort of boat are you aiming for?
  10. Good session! And a fair few species too - good work 👍.
  11. Sadly I was the user. Thought I was being helpful by motoring slowly uptide while he was up front on the windlass retrieving the anchor. Got the line caught between the pulpit GRP and the stainless edge of the bow roller, and we had to get creative to remove it. Took us about 10 mins of huffing, puffing and maneuvering before we worked it free.
  12. Well dangled. Sounds like the beads saved the day for you 👍 Must have been something about the date on Sunday as we had anchor troubles too. But that may have been down to user error. Possibly. 😳
  13. Yep, us too. We had a crap (and therefore boring) winter last year. Hoping for a few more of those lovely still winter days with hardly a breath of wind and no fog...
  14. Nice one! An after work session with the Mrs and fish to the boat. What's mot to like?!!
  15. @Saintly Fish and I hit the Solent yesterday I the search for an early season cod. A very early 4.30am wake up for me saw us depart the marina not long after 6am and out into a flat calm river and a lovely sunrise. We'd heard a tip from Neil's pet rumour-monger that a mile-long flock of seabirds had been seen working the Solent for baitfish recently, so our plan was to feather for fresh bait if we spotted any birds. The Solent was pretty flat as we left the river, but scanning the water for birds was disappointing - nothing doing. We headed towards our mark and made good time. Nearing out mark we saw some fish on the sounder and dangled some feathers, more in hope than expectation, but Neil comes up trumpa with the first Solent mackerel we've seen in ages! Marv the Mackerel was kept in a bucket as livebait, just in case. On to the mark and down goes the anchor. Strap conger and smoothounds, but no cod. The tide was ripping as we fished, requiring 1.5lb of lead to hold bottom. After a while it became clear that no cod were at home, so we headed to a new spot to see if that made a difference to the tide and made fishing any easier. In short, no. One more strap conger, lots of beam-on rolly wash and an anchor tangle later we headed off to a flock of seabirds that Neil had spotted in the distance. As we neared the birds the sounder cam alive with fish arches. Feathers down and they were hit by large scad, mackerel and school bass. Many strings later we had a bucket of baitfish for the winter. A mix of mackerel and scad. A productive way to end the session.
  16. Yes, please do. YT vids can be embedded directly so go ahead and post it into the thread 👍.
  17. We use Prime for the free delivery - the Prime TV stuff is just a bonus. Mrs135 ordered loads from Amazon so we reckon the free delivery has paid for the subs many times over.
  18. Andy135


    Welcome @Matt. I'm in West Berkshire, so I know the feeling of being a long way from the sea. What's your nearest coastline? South/Solent area?
  19. Meh, no doubt something would occur that would stop us going anyway, if previous seasons are anything to go by. 😖
  20. Next year Outlaws... Next year 💪
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