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Posts posted by Andy135

  1. 26 minutes ago, Phil williams said:

    Thanks Andy 135, it’s a shame that there is friction between the two sites as I know many people view and contribute to both, I will contact “seabob “ and ask if he’s prepared to put it on here as it is the best description and tutorial for navionics users I’ve seen ,particularly aimed at small fishing boats,not excessively complicated and straight forward even for technophobes like me. Don’t understand the friction as the sites are completely different in content , and format and don’t compete. But there none as queer as folk as they say!!!.

    Yes, it's strange but it is what it is. Seabob's tutorial sounds like just the sort of content that would be relevant and useful on here. Thanks for suggesting it. Be great if he can be encouraged to share it here too. 👍

  2. 23 minutes ago, GPSguru said:

    Are you sure about the width, I have jigs to 400g and none of them are that wide

    Just checked a couple of 250's and one is 35mm wide and the other is 43mm wide, length wise they are both 140mm ish

    The Catch Boss is a wide jig, but IIRC they only make them to 150g

    No, not sure. Not at home to check the jigs I have so it's an estimate from memory.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

    A nice big bucket of chum, 3 rods out all with wire traces, a mackerel on each, ideally live and wait for a thresher to come along….

    that’s about as much as I know about st cats deep.

    I believe you don't actually fish the Deep itself for sharks though. From what I've heard you push a bit further out and start the drift east of Dunnose Head and drift west to the the south of the island in 30-40m. Or vice versa depending on the tide. 🤷‍♂️

  4. Bah! Me too. Spent a few seasons trying to work it out. @Hoop once described it as "combat fishing", which sums it up nicely. Tides too fierce to anchor, and too fast to drift effectively most of the time. I had a few bass from the pinnacles and the ledge off Ventor but nothing worth the fuel to get round there. I tried SPJ off St Cat's point once and quickly got fed up of the jig kiting out past the stern.

    If I was to make the effort to get there again I'd be tempted to drift the series of ledges & broken ground north west of St Cat's lighthouse in Chale Bay. They look to have potential but probably not worth the steam from Pompey/Solent area.

    A tenner says JDP will be along soon telling us about how well it fished in the good old days before he was deported...


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