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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well done Gary. That is indeed a good haul. Slapton is notorious for being a hard mark to fish, with blanks more likely than catches so extra kudos to you for out-thinking the other anglers and coming up trumps. 👍
  2. That won't be hard Scott. Neil and I absolutely sucked at fishing today. #megablank #givingupfishingtakingupknitting
  3. Wow. I renewed in September and only got an email reminder so demand must have really ramped up since then.
  4. Yep. Lockdown wasn't kind to my waistline. #ijustwanttobelikeJonC
  5. Who the heck is that ugly fucker in the photo? You got me properly squinting in the sun there 🤣 It was not an auspicious day today. No real tide so no fish I guess. Shame on the skipper - must try harder. #megablank
  6. I'm off to bed too. 5am alarm for 5.30 depart. On the water by 7. #wishilivednearerthesea
  7. Glad there's a benign explanation then. Goodness knows you've had enough to deal with, without having another curve ball thrown your way.
  8. Glad there's a benign explanation then. Goodness knows you've had enough to deal with, without having another curve ball thrown your way.
  9. Isn't it always the way! Perfect when you can't go, and crappy when you can 🤷‍♂️
  10. The question we all want to know the answer to Pete is when yours will come off its trailer! 😋
  11. @Andy_B, those fish are definitely worth posting up in the PB Gallery along with the story of their capture 👍: https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/28-pb-gallery/
  12. I'm planning to sneak out tomorrow for a cod-bothering session with @Saintly Fish. Anyone else out and about? Weekend weather looks reasonable enough on Saturday for the south coast boats.
  13. How big is too big though? The forklifts can lift up to 10 tonnes, and there are some big ol' tubs in our dry-stack. In the the pic below, the blue hulled boat in the top left is a Sunseeker Portofino 31. Not sure what the white hulled boat is but it's equally sizeable. And as for popping down to the boat, if yours is on a ground rack like those above then you can just rock up and climb aboard. If it's at height, just call them and ask them to put her on a service rack for a few hours. #dontdismissdrystack
  14. Can't say for certain as I've not been in the market for a berth since I got Jersey Girl, but I'd guess that more people having bought boats over lockdown means more demand for berthing everywhere. That said, there are a fair few dry-stack racks empty at our marina - some will get occupied by owners who have a pontoon berth during the summer then use dry stack over winter, but there were some free throughout the winter last year. Do you have any dry-stacks near you that you could consider instead of a pontoon berth?
  15. I was with you right up until you mentioned upholstery... 🤦‍♂️ #he'sgonetothedarkside #bethechoosescandystripes
  16. Wow! Fantastic fish! Well dangled 👍
  17. They appear to be .jfif files which I couldn't open either. Here's a guide to posting photos on the forum.
  18. Agreed, but I wasn't necessarily asking on my own behalf... 🙄
  19. @Saintly Fish has the skipper given us any indication of the gear we should bring? What line classes of rod, suitable weights and styles of leads, rigs etc?
  20. Welcome to the new forum Andy. It's been a while but we're glad to have you back. 👍 Certainly sounds like life is keeping you busy lately. Will be good to meet you on the 24th and who knows, we might even manage to catch a few fish!!
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