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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. A seamless repair. Very nicely done and thanks for sharing the process 👍
  2. Welcome Andy! Glad you made it. From memory it's an 8am departure from Poole Quay on the Sunday, so most of us are staying over the night before. @Saintly Fish has found us somewhere - sure he'll be along shortly to advise of the name of the place.
  3. Catapult cat. https://www.aqua-marineservices.com/about https://www.oceanrunnerfishing.co.uk/
  4. Erm, don't try to foist your sordid little fantasies off on us by pretenting they're/their/there mine! If you want Pete to get naked, go ask him yourself 👉 #notinmyname!
  5. Reckon we should offer him up to Ryan to clean down the boat on the way back in.
  6. I can't believe that you pulled out of the trip because your wife said you couldn't come out to play...
  7. Based on my trawl through the WhatsApp I make it the following: @Odyssey+1 @suzook12+1 @mike farrants @fishybuisness @captin slows old outlaw @Saintly Fish @Andy135 and AndyBa who's yet to sort out his profile on here.
  8. And Andy Bartlett - we'd best give him a nudge on the WhatsApp. Do we have a running list of who's confirmed, who's paid their deposit, booked their room etc?
  9. Don't forget he has a twin room all to himself too!
  10. Come on now, fess up. Bet you a tenner you inwardly smiled, you're just too shy to admit it on the forum. 😳
  11. Agreed, I was more thinking about when travelling to and from the bank.
  12. Have fun! Bet your wife will love finding you sorting & bagging fishbait in the kitchen. Oh, and hands-up who else had a sly smirk at the title of this thread... 🤣
  13. I wondered whether you might have seen the little rubber boats. 😤 But how do you get noticed (aka avoided) by the big ones? Do you run AIS, or a great big radar reflector etc?
  14. Those are fat mackerel! Good work. And a turbot too - great eating 👍 Must get busy on the Varne, what with all the shipping passing by? Yep, it's on to the cod next, which for me means several months of whiting or blanking. 😭
  15. I don't have ginger anything but that never stopped you!
  16. You forgot the ginger beard and tache...
  17. How did your weekend of non-fishy vegan friends go Mike? Did you convert them? Or did they convert you?? 😱
  18. Never thought I'd hear myself say this, but anyone else miss the Premier League this weekend? No fixtures, no casually checking your phone for match progress every 30 seconds, no FPL points to score... I suppose the only saving grace is that Fishy FC can't sink any lower this week.
  19. Ooh, yeah, never had the shrapnel, precisely because of the tile experience. Always wear nerdy safety specs when grinding these days. Like I said, eyeballs make my toes curl 😬 And as for a needle in the eye...! 😱😱😱
  20. Good luck and fingers and toes crossed for you too. Just the thought of eye surgery (in any form) makes my toes curl 😬. I once got a tiny sliver of ceramic tile stuck in my cornea from a circular tile saw and had to go to A&E to have it taken care of, because every time I closed my eye the fragment would catch on my eyelid 😭. Had to keep my eye open whilst waiting to be seen, which was torture in itself. Luckily as my eye was open for so long it started to dry out and my cornea contracted, popping the fragment out naturally. I've never felt more relieved and was dreading a doctor coming at my eyeball with a pair of tweezers or something! Good luck, and we'll give you a forum spelling amnesty for a few days 😉
  21. I hear that having a stent is a pretty common procedure these days, so I'm sure you won't need them, but just in case I have my fingers and toes crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞
  22. True, but I didn't fancy having a deck socket that would be a source of corrosion, nor having to faff about trying to plug the cord into it during a swelly chop. Installation was fine. Hardest part was marking out to ensure the switches were positioned where I wanted them. The rest of it was just drilling, screwing and making some new connections to the existing wiring.
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