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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. You know how some days Lady Luck smiles on you, everything goes your way and you bag up on big fat cod?? Well this wasn't one of those days. I got out late after missing an opportunity to catch dogfish with @Saintly Fish on Tarlach Too, but I was afloat by 2pm, fully fuelled up by 2.20 and out of the Harbour limits by 2.30. The water was beautifully flat. Making up for lost time, I headed south past the IoW at 28kts to the wreck of the Cuba. No fish at home, so blank #1 and on to the Overfalls. Half way there I hear a transmission on Ch.16 from HMS Ledbury announcing live firing exercises on the designated range to the south of the Overfalls. I should be fine, I thought. After taking a side scan pic of the U-1195 I headed east to the Overfalls proper, only to see Ledbury significantly closer to my position than planned. Before I could reach the first bank of the Overfalls I hear Ledbury hailing me on 16. I'll summarise their message as "get the fuck out of our vicinity as we ain't shooting blanks!". Suffice to say I turned tail and dropped the hammer pronto! Jersey Girl is fast, but can't outrun a bullet 😬💥 So blank #2 at the Overfalls. Plan B was to head over to the Nab Tower to drift in the lee of the tower with slow jigs. Cue blank #3. Clearly the fish hadn't read the script as there was nothing at home here either. Last roll of the dice and over to Bullocks Patch, a reef system where anything can turn up... apart from today when nothing turned up whatsoever. Blank #4 for me today 😭 Deciding that I couldn't take any more blanks I headed for home, tail firmly between legs. When I got back to the car I felt the need for one more roll of the dice, so I headed over to Gosport's Millenium Pier and with a squid jig on my spinning rod to see if I could rustle up some cod bait. Met a couple of other anglers there who had blanked so far and also two junkies who were bedding down on the pier in duvets with crack pipes... I kid you not. It's rough in Gosport. Anyway, I'm sure you're all gagging to hear about my squid success and if Jon has managed to read this far down the report I'll eat my hat. Ok, ok. Blank #5. FFS... Like I said at the start, Lady Luck did not smile on me today 😭
  2. Well dangled. The dogfish was clearly your best catch and I'm rather envious. You may scoff at the reason for my absence, but that meeting saved me significant 💵 so you can take your pout and stuff it 😝
  3. I suppose you think you're funny, don't you... 🤦‍♂️
  4. It's a little known fact that Chuck Norris has Welsh ancestors. One of his descendents is known for swimming naked out into the Celtic Deeps, towing a sack of fish guts in his teeth. They say he does it to wrestle sharks with his bare hands, but I reckon he just likes the smell of chum. @Odyssey
  5. Never let the facts get in the way of a good gag. Let's face it, I don't have red hair but that doesn't stop us from laughing about me as a ginge 👨‍🦰
  6. Chuck Norris jokes! Now there's a blast from the past 🤣
  7. The pic in the middle reminds me of the ones you wear on the boat.
  8. Not generally a good idea to tie off to the side only as it puts a lot of strain on a cleat that wasn't intended to be used that way. The cleat would be taking the full force of the tide broadside to the boat.
  9. No, I wasn't brave enough to find a link for one of those on my work phone 😬😬
  10. He's vegan??? You know you can unfriend people in real life too right?
  11. On a serious note, fingers crossed the surgery goes well and that your consultant can come up with a plan B for you 🤞
  12. Well done for taking one for the team 👍🤣
  13. I know! "Non fishy friends" is clearly an oxymoron. 🤦‍♂️
  14. The Kingfisher Pond at Sportfish is where we wanted to go on Sunday but they were shut. It's a great little pond for the youngsters. The main lake is a bit harder to fish but can be prolific once you work out where the fish are and what they're taking.
  15. Sorry, I deleted the old link but I see you've reposted so all good. 🍆
  16. Blimey. Brave of you to share that with us...!
  17. Can you make them into fishing friends? Or else draw the curtains and don't answer the door - maybe they'll go away...
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