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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Very close, but it appears you may be running out of N2O 😛
  2. I'm really hoping that's a typo and that you actually meant "guys"... 🤣
  3. Are we planning any friendly comps on board? Most fish, biggest fish, best dogfish?
  4. Welcome back! We had to get Norton to do a site review and re-categorise us. No idea why they blocked their users from us initially, but they've now corrected their rating, so all good. 👍
  5. The hashtag achieves nothing from a system perspective, but tagging someone with the @ symbol highlights their username in the post, and they get a forum notification that they have been mentioned in the post.
  6. Thinking sideways about this, I see no reason why Lego gears wouldn't work as a reduction gearbox. https://www.amazon.co.uk/LEGO-50pc-Technic-gear-axle/dp/B00UCR3G1Q In fact, find a cheap/used Lego motor, battery pack and switches, and you have your rod turner ready to click together.
  7. @captin slows old outlaw <-- if you mean like that, then as @Saintly Fish says, type the @ symbol then start typing the username of the person you want to tag. Hash tags are used on Twitter as a way to identify or start trends. Some people (including Neil and I) use them on other sites, including here, to take the mickey out of each other. They have no system functionality but are used to reinforce a point. #Neilsalrightreallydespitewhateveryonesays
  8. Thanks again Scott. Very informative afternoon. I will be dusting off my coarse float rod as like Neil says, the spinning rods aren't quite up to it. Looking forward to next time already 👍
  9. Guessing you'd need a rheostat to control the speed of the motor down to 18rpm (or suitable gearing to achieve the same), and a foot switch & regular switch wired in parallel, so that both switches can activate the motor. A 12v set up should be relatively cheap and easy to build. Not a wiring diagram but the basics would be as follows: Battery Cable to Rheostat Cables to Foot switch and finger switch in parallel Cables to Motor Cable back to battery.
  10. Taken on an imitation bread flake fly whilst fishing for mullet today. Absolutely hammered the fly and put up a good scrap on my 5 weight river rod. Big thanks to @Scotch_Egg2012 for coaching and demonstrating how to catch mullet like a pro. I'll leave him to start a thread on how the mullet session went 😉👍
  11. Quality catches there Dicky! Very envious. Makes me wish I still had a trailer boat 👍👍 Where do you launch from in Fowey? The slip in the car park by the ferry?
  12. Couple of options... try posting them in separate posts. There's a post size limit as well as an individual picture limit. Or, try uploading to Imgur then pasting the image URL into your posts, which means unlimited pics per post with no size limits.
  13. Wow! This thread has taken off today 🤣 I think Pete has the measure of what's going on; to argue the principle but not rob the guy. Clearly the seller is a bit of a divvy to put a high value item up with no reserve and be out of signal when the auction was due to end, but does that mean he should have his boat robbed out from under him? No, I don't think so.
  14. I think you should see this through Pete. You stand to gain a nice boat, and if it needs lots of work you'd be able to move it on for a profit without even touching it.
  15. A good couple of sessions. Well done 👍 If your trailer is galvanized then check before you fit SS bolts to your wobble rollers - I have a vague memory that stainless and galvanized don't play well together. Can't remember where I heard it so I could be wrong but worth a quick google anyhow.
  16. TIme for the Outlaws to spring into action and make the seller's life a misery until he hands it over. Or if all else fails, send @Odyssey round with a cordless drill...
  17. Those Nitrous Nutters have just pressed their big red button and jumped up to second place. Well played @suzook12.
  18. Looks like a good boat, and even better for £104! Do as Neil suggests and see what eBay will do for you.
  19. There must be shed-loads of UXB's round your way given your proximity to mainland Europe and that you're pretty much en route to London from Germany.
  20. Not heard of any that go bang that way... but anything's possible I suppose. 😬
  21. Unexploded bomb detonated in the Solent today after being dragged up by a trawler, only 1.5 miles off Ryde. @Saintly Fish, did you hang around afterwards to pick up any fish? #solentunicorns
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