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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Always the corner of a Rizla pack Steve 👍
  2. Doesn't look too bad in the video.
  3. Looks pretty simple to tie. Good find. WIll give it a go.
  4. Apache had a ladder that I never used. We'd launch stern first and it was too much faff to wade round to the stern where the water gets deeper to use the ladder, and way too much faff to rotate the boat to bring the ladder closer to shore. Instead we'd flop over the gunnels and reverse out. Safer on the prop to keep the stern in the deeper water anyway.
  5. In your searching you'll probably come across the public slip by Southsea Sea Angling Club into Langstone Harbour if you want to be close to the forts. Use with caution. Horrible place to launch a boat... the shingle is deep and trailer and vehicle wheels get bogged down - there's a reason SSAC uses a dumper truck as their launch & recovery vehicle. Often there's a shingle berm to cross before getting into the water. Then there's the tide to contend with when putting the boat back onto the trailer. Plus the car park next to the slip always seems to be full of scallies who are either on smack or are looking for stuff to rob so they can score. Not trying to scare you off but it's a long way to tow a boat from Reading only to have second thoughts once you get there.
  6. Waders and have a mate hold the boat while you park the trailer. This is how we used to do it when I launched from ECA into Langstone Harbour. Single handed launching is possible if you drag the anchor up the beach to stop the boat drifting off, but as @Saintly Fish says above, it's waders or skins to get aboard.
  7. What sensor do you have? Float switch or auto-sensing? If the latter I'm not that impressed with them. The Rule auto-sensing pump I had on Apache used to run on after all the water had been removed, and the Whale SuperSub I used to have on Jersey Girl ran on whilst on her rack and drained the battery flat. Also popped a fuse on a separate occasion.
  8. Yes, when @Davemc and I were bassing in Jersey a couple of years ago we saw one of the locals catch a cuttle on a squid jig off a harbour wall at night.
  9. I'd say you have the basics covered. Never used cart/scallop frills etc so can't comment on whether they're worth it.
  10. Nice pics and fish! Thanks for sharing 👍
  11. True but you're/your/yaw/yore spelling has never been up to much... 😋
  12. Fingers crossed a replacement solenoid fixes the issue. Looks like a nice spot to keep a boat. 👍
  13. Go to the menu icon (three horizontal bars) in the top right of your screen and select "Account", then "Ignored Users" then type the word "JonC" into the User Selection field, then hit "Ignore".
  14. There's also an "ignore" facility too... 🤔
  15. Wasn't talking to you. But then you knew that already... 🤦‍♂️
  16. What species is that Jon?
  17. Yeah, I'm really glad we live here. I wouldn't give up my dogfish dangling for anything!
  18. Wow! Unexpected but very nice. Guessing you were bottom fishing with your lure rod? Did it take a lure??
  19. Well done - you've trained him well. Time, tide and weather wait for no one.
  20. That makes no sense at all. 🤷‍♂️ Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Welcome Patrick. The North Wales coastline is beautiful. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun exploring it all. What boat do you have in mind?
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