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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Ronaldo bought for Dogfish FC. #keepingupwiththeJoneses
  2. Good report Gary! Sounds like you made the best of an iffy day, and with some nice fish to show for it. Frankly I would have been chuffed with just those mackerel, so with a bonus bass and bernard the gurnard I think you did well πŸ‘
  3. That's the trouble with virgins. They're only a virgin until they're not.
  4. Only the finest sea-salted focaccia dusted with rosemary and thyme hand-picked by virgins for my mullet thanks.
  5. Not a stupid idea at all. Very sensible to stay in the cockpit if possible. What you're describing is a lazy line. Here's a step by step pdf guide on how to set one up and use it for anchoring. Guessing the same principle would work for a mooring buoy. https://axeyc.clubmin.net/uploads/456193/public_download
  6. I'd definitely be keen for a mullet masterclass Scott. Sounds like a great way to learn a new sea fishing discipline.
  7. Funny you should say that. I bought a Go Pro last January and have used it maybe a couple of times on fishing trips throughout the year - I find it gets in the way of enjoying the moment, or enjoying the day as a whole if I have to worry about framing the shots etc. My intent was not to start a channel rather to take some interesting videos for my own pleasure, but it's just not as fun as being "in the moment" with crew celebrating a fantastic dogfish catch.
  8. Top reports with some very nice fish there Dave! Well playedπŸ‘
  9. I have these for my batteries. They came with the boat. My batteries are in the bilge locker - I don't think the boxes are necessarily needed for keeping the batteries insulated or away from water, rather they're a good way to secure the battery and stop it moving (the boxes are screwed to the locker floor). As long as your battery isn't in danger of being dripped on from above (which reminds me, did you get that water ingress sorted in the end?) then what you have sounds already sounds fine. https://www.mylorchandlery.co.uk/electric-accessories/motorhone-or-caravan-yellow-110amp-leisure-battery-holding-box-large/ As for keeping a battery from freezing... has anyone every had actual experience of a frozen battery? I haven't. I'd say the fact that your battery is in your cabin will probably be enough - it's not as if it's up on deck exposed to frost after all.
  10. I've done the same using a bucket. Just don't wind too fast or the spool bounces out and races around on the floor 🀣
  11. Is there a spare space on your boat Luke?
  12. I'm just not sure what the problem is that you need to solve? Just wind it on and be done with it.
  13. I've never had an issue with either mono or braid on a FS. FFS, if an eleven year old me can do it back in the day with no issues, how are you managing to balls it up as a fully grown adult?
  14. No, I was in Cornwall at the weekend. Will be getting wet on Thursday so will report back then.
  15. Try changing the person holding the rod - that'll definitely work.
  16. @Scotch_Egg2012 is our resident Mullet Master and may be able to help Mike.
  17. Very nice session! Often the last minute ones are the best. Top dangling Mike πŸ‘ #notjealousatall...much
  18. Looks like our posts just crossed. Possibly - if he has already found your profile then maybe.
  19. Having played around with Flickr a bit more this morning, setting a photo to Private will prevent it from being posted online, including here. However, instead you can set the pic to be excluded from public searches, which should be pretty much the same as Private, and should stop randoms from seeing your pics unless they navigate to your Flickr profile.
  20. Heard on the grapevine recently that Northney are no longer allowing non-berth-holders to use the slipway. Second-hand info so prob worth calling ahead to confirm before setting off.
  21. Nah, the liked photos will have been Public. @jonnyswamp, did you perhaps forget to make some of your uploads private? From memory Flickr has a fairly obscure way to indicate whether each uploaded photo should be publicly viewable or private, and it's easy to forget to set them to Private every time.
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