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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yeah, that Zuckerberg bloke begged me to sign up but I told him to do one so that's why they blocked me I guess.
  2. Yes I have an issue with Facebook, so maybe as I don't have an account they won't let non-members see?
  3. Top passage-making. A long trip but looks like you had fun at least. 👍
  4. Two cowboys are lost in the desert.....One sees a tree in the distance, so they head for it, hoping that there is water nearbyAs they get closer, they see it's draped in bacon."A bacon tree", says one, "We can eat too, we're saved!"So, he runs up to the tree and is shot 3 times. Dead.It wasn't a bacon tree, it was a ham bush.
  5. A young man went into confession crying, and told the priest: “Forgive me father for I have sinned”. “What have you done?” asked the priest. “A few weeks ago I went to the library. I remained there until closing time and when I was about to go home, rain started pouring down. It was so intense I had to wait in the library. I had waited for a while with the librarian, a young attractive single girl, then one thing led to another, and I ended up sleeping with her”. The man stopped talking but kept weeping. “Well don’t cry, it’s a sin but it is not that bad. You should say 5 Hail Marys and it will be forgiven”. Said the priest. “But it doesn't end there” the man kept sobbing. “a few days later my elderly neighbor asked me to help her with her computer. Her husband was hospitalized and she couldn't send an email to her son. I went there and fixed the problem, but when I was about to leave, rain started pouring down. It was really stormy and I had to wait. One thing led to another and I ended up sleeping with the old lady” the man cried. “Oh dear well that makes it harder indeed, but still - you should say 15 Hail Marys and you will be forgiven” Said the priest. “Oh I’m afraid the worst part is still ahead” cried the man. “Yesterday I went to the barber. I was his last client that day. As soon as he finished and was about to close the shop rain started pouring down so intensely, I had to wait with him. One thing led to another and I ended up sleeping with him as well” the man cried. “Oh dear, it is indeed worse than I thought” said the priest. “So what should I do father?” the man asked. “Stay here” answered the priest, "its going to start raining soon.”
  6. Sounds like a reasonable session nonetheless. Go on, throw up a catch report, with pics if poss 😉
  7. Linky no work. Under construction message?
  8. Yep, I think you're right. Couldn't remember which version was the one to go for.
  9. Isn't the 9.8 one of the rare and well-respected models that everyone chases? You did well to get it if so.
  10. This is a good plan. My first ever trip out on my own boat was more of a launch practice with a little spin up and down the estuary. I didn't even take any rods or tackle - it was just to get familiar with launching, berthing and how the boat handles.
  11. Fingers crossed everything goes well with the service. Take a look here for advice for new boaters.
  12. That's a pain. Worth checking what voltage the motor is getting. Either too many or too few volts can cause it to overheat I believe. You've probably already checked the earth to the motor but in case not, ensure it's well connected/no corrosion etc. As for the limit switch, is your suspicion that it's not working, hence the motor runs on and gets hot? If so, a quick check with a multimeter either side of the switch should tell you more.
  13. Excellent report John. You had quite a session - well fished! 👍 What is it about the Savage Gear Eel that works better in faster tides? I've not thought of using them like that before. Chargrilled plaice and turbot sounds very tasty. Enjoy!
  14. Guessing standard operating procedure. It was how it came from the boat builder. The Deutch connections are designed to disassemble so the cables can pass through the transom so I suppose so.
  15. Well, a 3 hour round trip tonight for just 30 mins work replacing the actuator. Slackened off the top and bottom fixings (M8 bolts and nylocs) And removed the old sealant from the transom hole and cable. Then I unclipped the Deutsch connector in the bilge... ... and disassembled it to allow the bare wires to be pulled back out through the transom. Then, the fixings were fully removed and the actuator taken off. As Haynes always says, "refitting is the reverse of removal", so the new actuator was fitted, ...and the cable was fed through the transom and then the bare wires fed into a new Deutsch connector. Don't forget to thread the wires through the connector seal before inserting them into the connector, followed by the connector seal itself. Once connected, I turned on the power and tested the actuator, which worked fine, and with no noticeable difference between old and new actuator speeds. Tightened up all the fixings and resealed the cable run through the transom. Job done.
  16. I'll test them out later tonight and if I need to replace the other one then I will, but I'm optimistic that it won't be necessary. #famouslastwords....
  17. No. The other one works fine and shows no sign of misbehaviour, so if it ain't broke...
  18. Replacement Lenco standard actuator has arrived, ready to replace the old actuator (motor siezed twice, due to suspected lower ram seals leaking). If I can get to the boat tonight I'll throw up some pics of the replacement process.
  19. Fingers crossed Tony. I reckon we're due a decent run after all these years of scratching around for them.
  20. Yep, she didn't get wet until 2.30pm, and I was back in by 3.30pm. 😭
  21. Engine gives a bit of prop torque, meaning that without the port side tab working the boat runs heeled over to port. I've run without it before and found it to be a chore running like that, so instead of persevering on what was only supposed to be a short afternoon session anyway I went back in to practice my berthing while the drystack pontoon was empty. Moral of the story - buy twin o/b's...
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