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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. New trim tab actuator ordered this morning. Will do a quick thread on how to replace them when it arrives and once I can get down to the boat again.
  2. Sounds like fun Luke 👍 Pics??
  3. Hi John, Yep, I was pretty frustrated, especially as it's the one I had already taken apart and un-seized back in the spring. Keep us posted on your outing tomorrow. What species will you be targeting? As you say, it's always good to be out. 👍
  4. A non-event for me sadly. Got out of the harbour and found that one of my trim tabs has seized, again. Suspect the lower ram seals have gone, allowing water to seep in and seize the motor. A replacement unit is now on the cards, but still a pain to lose a day's good weather.
  5. Anyone out today or tomorrow? I'm planning a quick trip East to see what's about tomorrow. Anyone else?
  6. Excellent work! Sounds like a great session. Defo need some pics. How did that 110lber come to be hooked on a 6-12 rod then?
  7. Why is it that you use "you're" correctly in the first part of your statement, but you can't manage it in the next?! 🤣 @Geoff, there's clearly no hope for him!
  8. Some great catches there. What's the fish in the last pic, the one you caught? The blood in that tuna pic does look a bit like something from a Hostel movie 😱 but then... I'm just jealous that I've never caught a fish that big! 😭
  9. There's nothing strange about you not catching...
  10. Thanks Scott - I appreciate the guidance on conditions. It will be a learning curve for sure 👍
  11. Ah, I think I remember reading about his technique in Saltwater Boat Angler a couple of years ago. From memory he uses normal lead-headed lures IIRC.
  12. Back on topic for a moment, has anyone had any success bouncing a lure across open ground for cod, or only on wrecks? Thinking it could be a good technique to cover lots of ground to find the fish, rather than using a bait as long as yer arm to draw them (and every other species) in.
  13. I suspect you're right - he's confusing Leopard Sharks with Lesser Spotted Dogfish aka Small Spotted Catsharks aka Bait Thieving Pikey Sharks aka my favourite blank-savers. 😉
  14. We don't get Leopard Sharks in our waters Jon. Are you maybe thinking of catsharks? 🤓
  15. This winter I'm setting myself a target of catching a cod from my local patch. I've tried somewhat halfheartedly, and without success, over the last few seasons but this year will be the year of the cod! I've been keeping my ear to to the ground and an area known as the Spoils seems to feature regularly in the few catches that are made in the east Wight area every year. It's an old dumping ground and I've heard it can be very snaggy, so I'll need to trip my anchor. At between 30-40m it's also relatively deep compared with the Solent and inshore Wight marks, so big weights and big baits will be the order of the day. Wish me luck!
  16. That's fair and totally understandable. Fingers crossed you can make it but take no chances 👍
  17. Poole Harbour could be good in case there's iffy weather. We'd at least get some fishing inside the Harbour if it's too rough outside.
  18. I had also included Jon's patch in "south right" and I was being tongue-in-cheek about the fishing.
  19. And the realisation that he bought a load of alcohol-free beer to the meet...
  20. Yeah, but the south right coast has better fishing. Dogfish and roker. What's not to like?
  21. Agreed, but we'll never be able to offer everyone the chance to use their own boat on each annual meet, so some of us will have to either take their own boats or simply travel and hop aboard the boat of a more local member. Given we had a Solent meet first time out it seems fair that the Solent members do the travelling this time and let other members use their own boats on their own (or near to their own) patches.
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