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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Couple of suggestions for location. 1. Bristol Channel 2. Dorset/Devon (Weymouth to Dartmouth area) We have members with knowledge of these patches and there's plenty of places for accommodation. Plus the fishing is good.
  2. Honestly, the mind boggles at some of these rescues. Another lucky escape. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  3. Some good sport and good seamanship there. Top marks. πŸ‘ Nothing wrong with wearing gloves either. 🧀
  4. Good to hear, and thanks for the update. Useful info should anyone have the same issue in future.
  5. Everyone looks to be ok, thankfully. Must have been a pretty big wave, or very low gunnels to have caused the sinking. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-58391563
  6. Well done for helping out. Shame some people need saving from themselves but at least they had you on hand to save the day. As for jet skis... grrr! 🀬
  7. Sounds like a fun day out that they'll remember forever. Priceless πŸ‘
  8. It's exciting and addictive! The bass in my profile pic took a patch II 140 fished dead drift in the current over a sand bar. I was wading waist high in water at the time. In my opinion one of the best ways to fish lures for bass.
  9. Ouch! Schoolboy error but fair play for fessing up on here. Gutted for you. And a shame that the bass now has some new lip jewellery to put up with for a while, but it will likely drop out before long. Better luck next time πŸ‘
  10. Nicely done! Super sole sesh and a busy weekend all round. Top marks to you Scott πŸ‘
  11. My hatch had a two position closure so there was space to let the rope pass through whilst still keeping it weather tight.
  12. I ended up passing the anchor, chain and line out of the hatch then back round the cuddy and into a builder's bucket which was then store up front. To deploy I would move the bucket to the cockpit, clip on the buoy and send the lot over the side. Recovery was similar using the Alderney method to handball the ground tackle back to the boat and into the bucket. Ended up never using the forward hatch in practice, just closed it over the anchor warp and that was that.
  13. Yep, it is indeed a spectacular place to be. Wish you were here? 😁
  14. As said already, size of buoy will depend on mass of anchor plus chain. Needs to be able to suspend them both. Not sure of your exact set up but the buoy I used to suspend my 5kg bruce and 6m of 8mm chain wouldn't fit through my forward hatch, so some forward planning may be required.
  15. Headed to Lannacombe Beach this evening for a quick lure session. Had about 90 mins between family commitments so grabbed my spinning rod and a few lures and headed to a mark I last fished a few years ago that used to be a banker wrasse mark. But would it still hold fish? This mark is a special place for me as it's where I caught my first ever sea fish on a lure (a wrasse) nearly ten years ago. The water clarity was reasonably good with a hint of cloudiness. Plenty of kelp about still, which is a good sign. The lure of choice was a Fiiish Black Minnow 120 in khaki colour, with the 12g shore head. This always used to be THE killer lure on this mark, cast out from a rocky finger across a small bay and bumped slowly across the bottom. The hit would usually come about half way back and would involve a couple of aggressive taps then a full on rod bender as the wrasse defended its territory and hooked itself. After the first few casts I felt a slight tap on the lure, which came to nothing. A couple of casts later a schoolie bass followed the lure to the shore but didn't commit. This was followed by ten or so more fruitless casts before another, bigger bass followed the lure in. Having seen a couple of bass now, I felt confident that there were fish to be had, but my time was rapidly running out, and the tide was rapidly flooding in. Moving off my rocky perch to avoid being trapped by the tide I made my way closer to the beach and found another suitable vantage point to have a few last casts. First cast out and the telltale tap, tap, whack of a wrasse! He put up a decent scrap, taking a few yards of line from the reel before coming up in the water and onto the rocks. Love it when a plan comes together! Job done, and with time running out I headed home for a beer and barbecue while watching the sun go down.
  16. Well, he didn't, but only cos he wasn't targeting them. Will throw up a report forthwith.
  17. You can come if you want Jon, if you set off now you might just make HW.
  18. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ†πŸ†
  19. Nice. Will drop in if I have reception - hoping to be out on a shore session tonight πŸ‘
  20. Not with 3 kids, 2 guinea pigs and a springer spaniel 🀣
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