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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Glad we have you here to make sure there's no humour going unrecognized. It's just a shame that your efforts were unrewarded on this occasion.
  2. No Fantasy Football league on here but as Neil says you're very welcome to start one πŸ‘.
  3. I too only read it once... and once was quite enough. Perhaps our learned Essex friend is giving Fisty the benefit of the doubt by re-reading it to see if it gets any funnier (or even just funny) the more he reads it. Personally I'm pining for a better stamp of joke... @Odyssey please come back!
  4. Andy135

    Spinning rod

    I reckon that can be repaired. Might be a bit shorter afterwards but still very useable.
  5. Andy135

    Spinning rod

    Reserved for @Saintly Fish. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£
  6. Dunno about the weather but good luck chasing the threshers! Keep us posted πŸ€žπŸ‘
  7. Prosecco eh? I had you down as more of a Lambrini girl myself...
  8. Quality report! Well done on finding the fish for your guests. Bet it won't be long before the dad asks you for another trip out for him and the teenager πŸ‘πŸ‘
  9. Nah, he already fessed up that he meant "ditto" but "the phone got it wrong" allegedly... Sweet of you to throw him a bone though πŸ‘
  10. But you previously said the phone does the learning not you. So based on the above, it seems that the phone is even more of a dunce than you are then! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  11. Andy135


    Good stuff. Sounds like you know what's needed to tackle them. And I totally get the need for a solo capture on your own boat. After all, it's why we all own our own boats instead of paying for charters. πŸ‘ Finding conger ground is key. Neil's suggestion of the Needles area is a good one. Plenty of conger to be had over that way without the hassle of large shipping. Pick a calm day and fuel up πŸ‘πŸŽ£
  12. I think you mean "Ditto". Let's ask @Geoff for a second opinion...
  13. Andy135


    The methods for conger are totally different from bream. Prob worth anchoring Harry's and dropping half a mackerel on a conger trace just to see what's at home πŸ‘
  14. I always like to think the best of everyone. For you however I'm prepared to make an exception.
  15. There's no hope for you then.
  16. Andy135


    If you can push out to the nearest wreck and anchor uptide of it, let your gear trot back to the wreck. Go heavy on the line (min 30lb), trace (min 150lb mono) and hook (Cox and Rawle Meathook 6/0), then strike any bites quick and wind them up before they get back into the wreck. Good luck! πŸ‘
  17. Are you trying really hard to keep up the shit jokes now that @Odyssey is taking a break, or does it just come naturally to you?
  18. Andy135


    Have it away eh? 🀣
  19. Andy135


    As for congers then, anywhere rocky or snaggy will hold them so try any rough ground or wrecks. In winter they cover open ground and can be found on banks in deep water.
  20. You brought political parties into it πŸ€”. This thread was ticking over nicely until then.
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