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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Sounds like a great session Mick, and with some decent weather too. Good work πŸ‘
  2. But you only have numbers for raja clavata...
  3. Nice fish! Good work πŸ‘πŸ‘
  4. Well I can see you're a man of few words Micky! 🀣 What boat, engine etc?
  5. I've invited him to come over to my lake to fish for catsharks.
  6. Can't be certain where Dave's bass came from, but my very first lure caught bass from shore came from the rocks by the Portland light. That area is a well-known bass mark, so you could try trolling a lure at slow speed behind your boat (well, in your case just try it at speed πŸ˜‰). Fish black minnows, redgills, sidewinders etc should all do the trick.
  7. And you seem to be getting moist at the thought of my twitchy bum... πŸ€”
  8. No, should be ok. By the time Storm Evert makes it to Portsmouth the wind speeds are forecast to have dropped to a relatively reasonable 45mph SW'erly, which should be fine, even though it would be blowing broadside to the racks.
  9. How high were the winds in that case? Curious to know at what windspeed the dry stack pros start getting twitchy.
  10. This is a good suggestion. @Scotch_Egg2012's boat is on the top row of the same rack as mine in our marina. Scott, do you know if the dry stack team move the top boats off? Guessing they probably don't have enough ground racks for all the boats on both top rows though.
  11. Dunno, but I guess we'll find out shortly won't we! Good job I'm happy to be the Offshore Outlaws guinea-pig eh? The things I do for you lot! You can all thank me later.
  12. Agreed, although I do think it's down to the parents to instill that sense of excitement in the outdoors lifestyle and to encourage the kids to get off the sofa/playstation, irrespective of where you live.
  13. Don't forget the time needed for breakdowns!
  14. @Saintly Fish, this puts your quibbling over a 4 hour drive to go sharking into perspective 🀣
  15. That looks delicious! Great work πŸ‘
  16. As Jon says, if you can find a part number on the casing or can look it up you may be able to find out if it's been used in anything else and purchase accordingly. Perhaps Yamaha used them across a number of o/b models? Or maybe other o/b manufacturers used the same part in their ptt mechanisms too?
  17. I can just imagine the carnage as 400 boats make their way out of Chichester harbour at the same time πŸ˜–πŸ€£
  18. Are you referring to the Sea Angling Classic? https://www.seaanglingclassic.com/
  19. I think to be honest most people use sites like these to take snippets of info/catch reports etc and don't ever intend to actively contribute. And that's ok. I know I'd be considered a lurker on a couple of other forums I look at, so no harm done really. Would it be great if a few more of them signed up and posted? Yes, absolutely. But will I lose any sleep over it if they don't? Not at all.
  20. Good session Dave! And the VR50 looks very nice in black too. When did that arrive?
  21. I'm surprised he didn't have them in rainbow stripes.
  22. Will have to pass on this I'm afraid. The stuff I need is 25mm2.
  23. Lovely reports. Well done. Must admit I'm a bit jealousπŸ‘
  24. Hope he can save the whole finger though. Looks painful. πŸ˜–
  25. Well that ain't good! What happened??
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