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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. That's why I asked Fisty for clarification. It certainly looks murky compared to the water at Hayling yesterday.
  2. There seems to be plenty of sandeel around at present. We were at Hayling yesterday and we saw lots of large shoals of sandeel in the shallows all along the shoreline of the East Winner. Was the water clarity at Swanage really as murky as your pic suggests?
  3. Top fishing! Well done Jack and Dicky 👍
  4. I think she must have got cold feet. Perhaps she saw a pic of you on here or something cos she refunded me and turned her phone off.
  5. He's only gone and nicked another photo from somewhere... 🙄
  6. Believe me, when you see her you'll wish it was dark.
  7. I'm stuck indoors in the heat, packing boxes for our house move. 🥵🥵 If it's easy fishing you're after, not a lot beats a float rod and a camping chair on Brixham breakwater.
  8. Good write up and good fishing. Well done 👍
  9. You mean like these? 💩🐂🐮 🤣
  10. Lovely looking boat 👍. What outboard does she have?
  11. She only comes out at night Neil 😉
  12. You may be right, but it would require me to grow up to find out! #suchakid
  13. Happy Birthday Neil! Not long now before you can collect your bus pass! Congratulations.
  14. If all goes to plan my route to the boat will be a whole 10 mins shorter... so that'll be 80 mins instead of 90 😖
  15. Yep, all sea pics gratefully received as I'm landlocked for the next few weeks. We're moving (hopefully) in the next couple of weeks so our weekends are busy packing boxes and herding up my pack of dogfish from the lake at 135 Towers. Ok, that last bit may not be true... the butler herds them, not me.
  16. Yeah, ok... you got me good. Was proper frustrated seeing your catch pics at work 😭🤣. Some nice plate sized fish there. Well done. 👍
  17. Just warming up the catch report for you Ian. Feel free to fill us in when you're ready😉👍
  18. Ha! Crossed wires - that comment was directed at @Jon cook, but good to hear you're still fully equipped with boats @JDP 👍 Fair enough - tough times for many right now.
  19. Ouch! That would really stick in my throat 🤬
  20. Sorry to hear that Jon. Guessing you're still boat-hunting then? Does seem like a crazy market. I guess it works both ways though - when I sold Apache I had randoms and chancers phoning me and offering lowball figures paid direct to my bank account, or booking viewings then cancelling. @JonC kindly advertised on FB for me and had to deal with some of the weirdo buyers offering tuppence hapenny and a bag of chips for her. What's certain is that there is a lot of interest in boats right know, but the buying and selling process definitely hasn't got any easier.
  21. Wow! Sounds like a close shave there Dave! Glad you escaped to tell the tale. Time for some new waders then? Did you catch anything or did the seals kill the fishing? I once had a seal take a wrasse I had hooked. All of a sudden the wrasse took off like a steam train... except it wasn't the wrasse I was playing. The seal popped its head out of the water about 30 yards away with my wrasse in its mouth. 🤬
  22. Used boat prices, and the boat market in general, seem to be buoyant despite the pandemic and economic uncertainty. What do we reckon is driving this? Can't all be furlough payments and cash saved whilst working from home... can it?
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