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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Wonder if it's worth taking your current one off and putting it in the airing cupboard for a week or so. It might just need to be properly dried out over a longer period of time. Could be a cost-free solution if it works?
  2. It was great to meet you both and huge thanks for making such a super effort to attend, despite all the setbacks you encountered! Well done the pair of you. Looking forward to seeing you both again, with boat, at next year's meet 👍
  3. Jon would be a great choice assuming we're ok with an alcohol-free meet next year?? 🤦‍♂️
  4. Maybe if you set off now, you could get there in time for next year's meet? 😊
  5. Andy135


    RIP Blank-saver Ben 😭🤣
  6. Andy135


    Yep, they look a bit on the small side! Are they wild or farmed?
  7. When you say it's dead Pete, have you checked the wiring? Are you certain it's getting power? Possible corrosion somewhere between the battery and the unit?
  8. Thanks for sharing Luke. We raised this at the meet and all of us wished her the best. Fingers crossed for her speedy recovery. 🤞🤞
  9. Good write up Martin. Was great to meet you and Dean in person and thanks for joining us. Agree that the fishing was tough going, but the apres-fish more than made up for it 🍻😁 Looking forward to the next one already. Open-minded on venue!
  10. Sorry to hear you're still suffering Ian. Fingers crossed for you 🤞
  11. Looking forward to hear of your experience with this. Keep us posted 👍
  12. That's quite a burger! Well done on the blues. You make it sound like an average session but for most of the rest of us it would be awesome 🤣👍
  13. @JonC is wearing his kid's tee shirt and yes, that's @Saintly Fishwith an earring. 🤣
  14. Yep, thanks Scott. I saw that you hung back in case I got stuck - appreciated. 👍 Lesson learned - always tie off on a centre clear, and never the stern when there's a breeze blowing the bow off the pontoon! 😳
  15. More details in due course, but it's fair to say that @Saintly Fish deserves a medal for all of his organisation of the meet and his skippering this afternoon. Some good fish were had by all. @captin slows old outlaw and I had to work hard for ours but we avoided the blank eventually with a mackerel on a bream rig and this decent smoothound that took the bait like a steam train. Not huge but very sporting.
  16. It got bumpy this afternoon. Some of us are still feeling the floor rock... jury's out if that's because of the sea state this afternoon or the refreshments this evening.
  17. Made it to Mercury safely in the end, despite my best efforts at the fuel pontoon @Scotch_Egg2012 🤣 @JonC, @Geoff, @Maverick, @captin slows old outlaw and @Saintly Fish are all looking forward to tomorrow's dangling. The start time however is directly proportional to the number of pints sunk this evening!
  18. Had a blank on the lures with Dave a few weeks back but fishing has taken a bit of a back seat lately as we're gearing up for a house move. Will be fishing at the boat meet on Saturday but then it'll be heads down packing more bloody boxes 🤣. When life calms down I'll get onto the lures again, hopefully in time for the tail end if this season. Sounds like you've had a productive season so far though? Putting in the hours and getting the results!
  19. Great report Bones! It's often the way that a fish takes at the very end of the session. Maybe it's the speedier retrieve when we're keen to pack up? Who knows, but well done on your new PB. Yes, it's a bittersweet moment if you have to dispatch a good specimen, but you did right by the fish instead of letting it bleed out and suffer, plus your mate got a decent feed out of it too. Top dangling 👍
  20. Thanks Nick. Next year we'll have to do a BC meet so you can show us how to catch some mud pigs 👍
  21. Agree with the above, you did right to walk. If nothing else he will now be second-guessing himself about the asking price. Leave him to stew for a week and call him again with a realistic offer. He may just bite your arm off. If not, there's no harm in sitting tight and waiting for the right boat 👍
  22. Looks a bit like that cuddy/wheelhouse thing was a DIY job which could have shifted the CoG and made the boat bow-heavy to start with too.
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