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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well done @moonlighter. Glad you had a good session. 👍
  2. I'm between boats so I don't have any head units to experiment with, but when I did have them I found the green palette seemed to work best to my eyes. The other colour options just didn't seem to show contrast or definition as clearly.
  3. No, it's the Highland Brigade, off Dunnose Head.
  4. Metres. Lowrance. Image at below planing below. And a side scan of the same wreck at low speed.
  5. The shoot-through CHIRP images were always clearer/crisper than the transom-mounted CHIRP I had on Apache and on JG, due to the fact that the shoot-through transducer is upstream of the transom and prop wash, so pretty much zero turbulence or bubbles to interfere with the image. Detail was fine for fishing - it was able to pick up a wreck at 18kts. You can see some fish downtide in mid-water on the image below.
  6. Have you considered a shoot-through transducer instead? I had an Airmar M265 CHIRP one on JG and it was excellent at holding bottom at all speeds with no interference or prop wash. And no holes in the hull. https://www.echomasterdirect.co.uk/In_Hull_Transducers The M260/265 series is on the steep side, but there are more basic options available that might need your needs.
  7. Where Pete? The top of the stairs or the bottom? 🤣
  8. No dogfish then? In which case your earlier description is accurate. 💩
  9. @Dicky, the SLT have increased the max posting limit, so give it another try. Keen to see some pics of your new tub 👍.
  10. Top marks for perseverance. It always amazes me how small fish can fit big hooks into their gobs.
  11. And Simrad/Lowrance/B&G are basically all the same underlying hardware and OS, just with slightly different user interfaces. All owned by Navico.
  12. Good work @Sevans. Lovely bass, well done. 👍
  13. Love a bit of shiny reel bling. Good purchase - those reels have a good reputation too.
  14. Just stumbled across this mix and completely fell down memory lane. Great memories of leading gym classes to tunes like this at university - would you believe that I had queues out of the door with people wanting to join the class?? Clearly it can't have been me drawing them in, so it must have been the music 🫡
  15. Not heard them called cows before. Should I be using grass for bait? #sothatswhereivebeengoingwrong
  16. I know the rig you're thinking of, but not tried it myself, and to be fair I've not had any success when live baiting for big conger - they seem to prefer fresh dead bait or squid. Wonder if cod might be the same - easy meal, lazy fish.
  17. I want it because its smoother than a cable shift. But as you say, there don't appear to be any smaller engines available with it 😕.
  18. Yeah, but on the sort of tub I'm looking at there will be at least one 90 degree turn. Yours has a much straighter run from helm to throttle linkage.
  19. I had FBW on Jersey Girl and really liked the smoothness of the throttle control. Made close quarters manoeuvres much easier as you don't have to fight the friction of the throttle cable. Will see what the Mercury option is.
  20. Anyone know if there's an outboard manufacturer that does a 60hp motor with fly-by-wire controls? Most seem to offer this on their bigger engines only?
  21. I read that they were trying to find it. Must have been quite a storm. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-67229165
  22. Thanks Daio, yes it was great to be out there early and see the sunrise. Catching a few fish was a bonus 👍
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