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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. @headlightwas on fine, English-bashing form on WhatsApp last night during the game. He suddenly went quiet for some reason though...
  2. That's a good result. Well done. As @Saintly Fish says, get some reports up ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  3. @Geoff that's great to hear! Looking forward to having you both with us ๐Ÿ‘
  4. Welcome Clinker! She's a lovely looking boat. Very well kept ๐Ÿ‘
  5. I'm a participator rather that a spectator. As a kid I always found it super-boring to watch something that I could be doing instead, so I never got into following football, or any sport really. Just don't see the point of watching someone else play when I would rather do it myself. And before you say it, I'm under no illusions that I could do better than the professionals. I just don't find watching sport particularly gripping.
  6. It would take a truckload of Brooklyn to numb the pain of enforced football spectatorship. #ratherpokemyowneyesoutthanwatchfootball
  7. Starting to feel queasy at the thought... might even have a temperature by Saturday. Perhaps I will need to self-isolate.
  8. Can't offer any advice, but instead will offer good luck! Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you Mike.
  9. Well seeing as he'll be out on Tarlach Too, I guess it's your call this time ๐Ÿคฃ
  10. Ahh, @Geoff, that's sad news indeed. Could you consider coming down without the boat? I'm sure there would be room on board with one of us for you and Joyce to participate if you could find some overnight accommodation.
  11. @GPSguru is very generously sending me something that should fit the bill here. Thank you Ian ๐Ÿ‘
  12. What sort of knife is that intended to be? Looks like a small hunting knife. Have you used yours specifically on rope and did it handle it ok if so?
  13. Er, you started it with your Rambo knife! Besides... my thread, my rules. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  14. Quite possibly. But on the off chance that I don't, I'm curious to hear recommendations from folks who have my safety at heart, rather than my early demise... ๐Ÿคจ
  15. I was thinking more of something like this
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