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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Think you're getting me confused with someone else.
  2. I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu here....
  3. Why you not telling @Saintly Fish off too then? He started it... #gingerist
  4. You've been a trooper Jon 👍🤣
  5. Nah, he'll be spotted as an emmet if he does that! All the locals keep the hook guards on 🤣
  6. I've had bass on redgills from the Earl Stones, which isn't far from the northern tip of the Skerries, but I've never fished the Skerries themselves so I can't say for certain. There are bass all along that stretch of coastline though, so if there's baitfish I'd imagine they'd also be bass. Good luck and let us know how you get on. #welljell
  7. Hi all, Within the next week or so we'll be upgrading to a new version of our forum software, which offers a range of security, stability and functionality improvements. In particular this will bring web-based push notifications to users direct to the home screen of your phone, even if your browser is closed or you're not on the Offshore Outlaws forum pages. This is a significant benefit - no more need to open your browser just to check how many Likes your post got, for example. When the upgrade is complete you'll be given the opportunity to opt in/out of mobile notifications the next time you log in. As I understand it these notifications will not work for IOS users however due to a restriction on web-based push notifications from Apple themselves. Wanted to call this out in advance to avoid disappointment 🙂
  8. Andy135


    Ok, that one tickled the dark side of my humour. 7/10.
  9. Yeah, I can see how that wouldn't help 🤣👍
  10. Andy135


    That's awful. 🤦‍♂️ 0.5/10
  11. Well done for making the effort to get out in spite your fatigue. Kudos to you. Shame about the fishing but at least it wasn't a blank 👍
  12. I could do you a video of my fish & chips?
  13. Took a little video last weekend of a sandeel shoal in the shallows. Thought it might be of interest on here.
  14. No need. It was a dud.
  15. Even for you it was sub-standard.
  16. Good luck whatever happens. Sadly I'm at work tomorrow so please post up photos of your catches. Pics of your shiny pollocks will brighten up my conference calls 😉🤣
  17. It certainly plumbed the depths. Reckon he should be charged for it.
  18. Nice fish! They're on my wish list to catch. What technique did it fall to? Bait or fly?
  19. A new low for you I'm afraid... 1.5 and a groan for that. 😶
  20. WOW indeed! Congratulations on a cracking PB Mike! Super fish! What bait did it take? A very good session and a good write-up too! I could really sense your excitement! Lovely turbot as well. Bet that tasted good? Don't forget to post up your tope in the PB gallery too. 👍
  21. Yep, @GPSguru beat me to it... you're both right. Below taken from the Orkney site in respect of a Longliner, which superceded the Strikeliner I believe. Bottom line though is that whilst 22 knots may technically be achievable, the factory will have recorded this with the lightest crew they could find, and with no gear on board, with a following wind and with the tide. I'd argue these probably aren't real world conditions. Regardless of this, your revs are still low. As @Maverick has suggested, check your throttle opens fully at the engine, and if it does, then check your fuel lines and filter are allowing full flow of fuel. When you get to 4300 rpm, does the engine struggle to get there, or does it zip round but not go any higher?
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