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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Hi Redcap, Remind me, what's your engine make & model? 4300rpm max seems a bit low.
  2. Good planning and good fishing. Well played Scott. πŸ‘
  3. We're having a family getaway this weekend and I managed to find a half hour to myself so I wandered down the lane to a secluded brook with fly rod in hand. After a few flicks I had a missed bite, closely followed by a take but the fish shook the hook. Next cast into the same spot and this little chap graced the bank. Absolutely beautiful little wild brown trout. Definitely not the biggest, but totally wild and with lovely vivid markings. A quick photo then back he went, then back home I went.
  4. Andy135

    More trout

    Nice fish! What's her set up Jon? A fly on a fixed spool is new to me. Does she cast a team on droppers with a weight at the end of the main line?
  5. That joke wasn't bad. Someone must have hacked @Odyssey's account.
  6. What a great few sessions! Very well done to you as skipper Mike and top dangling to you father in law. Some great pics too. πŸ‘πŸ‘ PS... leave some doggies for me! 🐢🀣
  7. Welcome PZ. Brixham is a great place to keep a boat. Plenty of good fishing on your doorstep, and tuna off Berry Head I hear!
  8. I can catch fish too, but Josh catches better fish, bigger fish and more of them than the pair of us combined. And yes, it appears that the jokers have stumbled upon a new nickname for us both...
  9. I asked about boats that can be packed away. Instead I got people telling me I should get a kayak or a trailer boat. Tell me Jon, why exactly I should take heed of "good advice" that doesn't answer the question. Just saying.
  10. Cos he's better than us 😭
  11. Trailering is out of the question... it's a pack-away boat or nowt. Looking at the Tarkacats, they seem very packable into two separate bags. Biggest of the two bags is 120cmx35x35 for the 3.8m version IIRC. Easily get that in a roof box, then engine in the boot with fuel tank and fishing gear.
  12. A lucky escape. What caused them to drift onto the boulders? Engine failure?
  13. Kayaks do nothing for me if I'm honest. They seem like the worst of all worlds with no discernible advantages over a SIB. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  14. I've only seen the hire boats on the Dart and they're all 4m-ish GRP cuddy boats. What attracts me to a rib is the ease of entry/exit for the kids swimming and snorkelling in an estuary or sheltered bay. Based on the (little) research I've done a 3.8m would indeed be a minimum along with a 10hp o/b, and probably with a pair of launching wheels so that I could wheel the boat back to the car and avoid having to carry the o/b any great distance. Just noodling on the idea at present, but I know the kids would love it...
  15. Hey Josh - sounds like a decent session with some good fish. Lovely wrasse and a very nice tope. Well done πŸ‘
  16. I'm toying with the idea of a small rib or takacat that can be packed away and transported in a roof box. Anyone have any experience of these types of craft? Intended use would be sheltered waters in the south-west; River Dart, Camel estuary, Plymouth Sound etc. Would be fun for the kids and great for an afternoon's fishing without any of the hassle of trailing a boat, launch & recovery, boat storage fees etc. Any downsides to be aware of?
  17. You're such a tool... πŸ”§πŸ”§
  18. Silicone may get gummy over time. If you're set on lube, perhaps try some penetrating spray first to see if that frees it off. If it does improve the throttle travel it will at least tell you that corrosion is the issue. If that's the case I'd be tempted to replace the cable. Corrosion will mean the cable strands have weakened and you don't want it to let you down at sea.
  19. What's the history of the boat and how long since it was on the water last? I'm wondering whether the throttle cable has corroded and is binding up inside the sheath. If so, the best cure would be cable replacement but you might get away with plenty of lube and regular use.
  20. Thanks @SiDfish, that's great info. I'd like to see if I can catch one this season and this is very helpful πŸ‘
  21. Cracking write up! Well done the pair of you. Some good fish on day 2. Shame about the sharking and what a shitty yacht! No consideration for other sea users at all. Grrrr! Still a bit early but good on you for getting out there πŸ‘
  22. Plymouth to be precise. He's peeked in here already and I'm hoping he'll sign up as a full member.
  23. Wow, sounds like a busy day! Well done the pair of you πŸ‘ What baits were the hounds taking? Guessing you weren't fishing with crab if you were after bream?
  24. Sounds like a good day out πŸ‘. My tub is Jersey Girl but we were out on Neil's boat Tarlach Too (aka Tarlach on PBSBAC). We arrived at the Hockey Stick about 10.15am, just before everyone else left... what did they know that we didn't 🀣
  25. Ah, I've seen something similar to that a few years back. Very impressive. But not technically throwing. #istillthrowlikeagirl
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