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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. An early session from the rocks in Fowey this morning. I tied on the trusty Major Craft Jigpara 20g in Zebra Glow and didn't have to wait long for the first hit, a small schoolie bass. Next up was a decent mackerel. and shortly after I scored a two-for-one! Called it a day not long afterwards as the tide had started to flood and I didn't fancy being trapped on the rocks. A fun little session to start the day.
  2. That's frowned upon for environmental reasons and can be an offence unless you have permission from the Environment Agency. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/environment-agency-warns-of-dangers-of-releasing-ornamental-fish-into-the-wild
  3. You got out, you caught fish. What's not to like?! Well dangled, and well skippered too. Sounds like you and the crew had to work for your fish. Good effort ๐Ÿ‘
  4. +1. I'd be up for another jigging trip.
  5. So post up another advert asking for 10p per fish or whatever.
  6. Yeah, I was miffed I didn't catch one. Maybe I should sell my SPJ gear if I can't catch doggies on jigs...
  7. As you saw with Leo's fish, you can quite easily start off with a spinning rod and a slow jig. It's easier to work the jig with a dedicated jigging rod, but perfectly possible to catch good fish using a slow jig without the full rod & reel set up.
  8. Talk to @Terry Smith at Jigabite. He knows what's what ๐Ÿ‘
  9. @Josh the weather has put the kibosh on several planned big trips this year... strange one, it was reliably unreliable ๐Ÿ˜–
  10. Let me know. I've been thinking about a repeat session on jigs, and I'll bring my coolbox next time!
  11. No one colour that outperformed the others, they were hitting them all. What I did notice however was that I was able to fish for longer on each drop if I used a slimmer, teardrop shaped jig. The flat, butterfly style jigs would catch the tide and head off past the stern more quickly, so I got less fishing time per drop with those ones. Also harder to feel the bottom with them.
  12. Yep, I lost four or five, and @Saintly Fish was down to his very last one. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿคฃ
  13. Very nice! Good result - top marks ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคฃ. Must be nice to be the only angler on the beach catching anything. I'm usually one of the ones looking over at him enviously ๐Ÿคฃ. Did you take the dab for the table? I hear they're tasty, but I've not caught one to try.
  14. So perhaps the title is a bit click-baity, but what was supposed to be a two day sharking trip on Odyssey, with @Odyssey to celebrate @Saintly Fish's birthday got blown out and turned into a Dad's & Lads reefing session, with Neil and I keen to get some proper use out of our SPJ gear. We locked out at dawn but as we left the shelter of Milford Haven it became obvious that the conditions hadn't yet improved like they were supposed to... I blame Michael Fish for that ๐Ÿ˜–. So plan B was quickly formulated to visit the inshore islands for some drifting for pollack followed by downtiding at anchor to see what was home while the weather settled. The short answer was... not a lot. Some small pollack and poor cod on the drift and at anchor just a solitary dogfish to the skipper (#welljell!) and an inquisitive squid that followed my baited feathers to the surface but didn't commit himself to the bait. As the conditions eased we motored out to a series of reefs - the plan was to drift for some better pollack. Neil and I were to experiment with our SPJ gear over slack water and we didn't have to wait long for the fish. Lots of hits and lots of table sized pollack over the gunnels in short order. They were hitting the jigs consistently, just off the bottom. Any colour would do, as long as it was about two turns up from the sea floor. Other species also fell to the jigs. Neil had a scad if I remember correctly, and Leo had a PB which I'll leave to Neil to share the details of ๐Ÿ‘. It didn't take long for the fish box to fill up and we called it a day after one of our crew nearly vomited himself overboard... #somepeoplearejustnotcutoutforboating So, a great day's fishing snatched from the jaws of defeat. JAWS will have to wait until next season however. A big thank you to @Odyssey for hosting and skippering ๐Ÿ‘.
  15. Crikey. Storm Babet is quite a beast it seems!
  16. That would be funnier if it wasn't so true... ๐Ÿคจ 5/10.
  17. Received wisdom suggests that the day after a big storm is good for cod. Fingers crossed for you and look out for residual swell!
  18. As a member of that constituency I can confirm it's not funny. Groanworthy at best. 3/10.
  19. Evergreen ships have a habit of running aground. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60754135 Of course, if a joke has to be explained it's probably not funny.
  20. Sounds like fun even if the bigger fish didn't play. Well done for getting out - always good to be on the water. Fingers crossed for you for Sunday's trip ๐Ÿคž
  21. In my view squid is one of the nicest tasting seafoods. After lobster and cod.
  22. Result! Well done ๐Ÿ‘ We had a quick dangle with the squid jigs in the Solent yesterday but no-one was home. Good to see you had better luck.
  23. He's fed up of being sea-sick. I keep telling him that it will only happen if he insists on bringing his Switch and staring at the screen all the time. Unsurprisingly Em didn't bring any screens and wasn't sea-sick whatsoever...
  24. You've done well for bait this year. Top marks. Cuttle ink to the face sounds pretty bad ๐Ÿ˜ฃ. Guess you had the last laugh though ๐Ÿ‘
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