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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yeah, but the way you said it made it sound like you thought he would be perving on his mate. 😱
  2. What goes through your mind to even consider that as a possibility?? 🤷‍♂️
  3. Any update on your hunt for a new boat @Jon cook?
  4. That's the theory, but as you say, the weight is further back. I think the advantage is that you can clear a line wrapped round your outboard prop without getting yourself wet, just by tilting the engine up and out of the water, but the practical reality is that you'd have to act within a very, very short space of time to avoid disaster.
  5. Wow! Tony, that's not good. Was he ok?? It's amazing how quickly a wrapped prop can sink a boat if there's even a little bit of tide to pull the stern under. Frightening prospect for any boat angler.
  6. Shiny, shiny! Let us know how you get on with them! 👍
  7. I have a twin-drag Accurate too. Not yet used it but it sure looks the part. Interestingly it's not just the Accurates that have twin drags. The bigger Avets also have two drag plates. I suspect other manufacturers will also have their own versions available.
  8. Ok, this is interesting. Clearly we need to state that older Avets had bearing issues then, not all Avets. I have four Avets, from the smallest SXJ to one of the largest, an EXW30 2 speed, and none of them have given any trouble. They are all less than 3 years old.
  9. Can you share any data? How frequently is very frequently? And what percentage of reels have had issues? I'm not saying you're wrong, but it just feels like a case of someone had a problem with an Avet once and posted about it on the internet and now it's taken as gospel that these issues are inherent to all Avet models across all years of manufacture when in fact this may not be the case.
  10. Wow! That's a beast!! What a great fish, and a super report. 80cm is very nearly a 13lb bass, according to UKBASS (https://www.ukbass.com/weight-for-it/) Very well done indeed. 👍👍
  11. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Made me laugh out loud that did. Top marks for you!
  12. Looks tasty. Thanks for sharing the recipes. 👍
  13. Yep. Glad we got that important point cleared up unanimously and amicably...
  14. Yes but it's how they hold it that matters! 🤣
  15. Far too diplomatic of you GPS. Why let pragmatism get in the way of a good argument 🤣👍
  16. But we don't need to Jon! 🤣🤣 Everything's in the correct place for us normal people. You lot can be as fluid as you like, but you're still using the reel with the wrong hand.
  17. Luckily, we're less likely to have coordination melt downs as everything is in the correct place for us 😉
  18. And when you cast, your right hand is holding the rod, thumb on spool, and the left hand has to come over the top of the reel to flick the reel out of gear. Another example of how a right hand multi is less optimal than a leftie, where everything is on the appropriate side for the hand in question.
  19. That's the point. We don't need to move our hands around the rod cos we already have them in the optimal position. It's you wrong'uns that have to move your hands around the rod and the rod around your body.
  20. Because that's where it goes when you're winding in to change baits of course. Or are you saying you need to brace the rod just to change a bait?
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