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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. For us normal people the rod stays on our right hand side all the time and only our left hand has to move from the rod butt to the reel handle - no faffing about switching the rod from one side of our body to the other. Or are you one of those goons that tucks the rod under their right arm whilst winding with their right hand? Now that's plain odd!
  2. Cos when I'm winching up dogfish my strongest arm takes the load, obvs.
  3. Same as us normal lefties. We don't cast with our left hands, we just reel with them. You lot have to switch the rod into your left hand to start reeling. For us we can cast and then reel without having to move the rod from right hand to left.
  4. We're in danger of agreeing with each other Jon. The control required is in respect of controlling the spool to avoid a birdsnest, which us normal humans do with our more dexterous right hand thumbs whilst our right hands are holding the rod and which leaves our left hands free for reeling.
  5. Let's look at the facts: Fixed Spool reels are designed to be reeled with the left hand and the rod held in the right (ok, you can swap the handle to the other side but who does that?) Fly reels are designed to be reeled/palmed with the left and the rod held in the right. Left-handed multi's are designed to be reeled wiht the left and the rod held in the right. Right handed multi's are the odd ones out here. I rest my case...
  6. I can see how that would get old quickly... 🤣
  7. A tenner says you'll get a response about crushed bearings on Avets. Which isn't an Avet-specific issue. It can happen on all lever drags. Edited to say he beat me to it! 🤣
  8. Well, it's better than the Star Wars one you posted. 7/10
  9. Great fishing and lovely pics! Well done for your solo trip too - it all builds confidence. 👍 Seriously nice looking bream - very tasty 🍽️
  10. When I have time later I'll take some side by side pics of the Warfare and the Fathom, and you can decide for yourself.
  11. I have a Penn Warfare LW. Nice reel for light duty fishing, but it's clear to see how they get to that price point when you put side to side with a Penn Fathom, say. Most of the fittings on the Warfare are plastic or graphite, so not convinced it would stand up to fishing as part of a 20-30lb set up. If you can stretch your budget to a Fathom 20LW you'd be well equipped. Personally I feel a 30 wide reel is a bit overkill, so a 20 would be more than adequate.
  12. Andy135


    Welcome Ron. Good to have you with us 👍
  13. Well done for getting out there! Shame the wrecks were empty but at least you had some fish for your efforts. Lack of dogfish pics inexcusable though. Must try harder next time 🤣👍 Your rig looks good. What do you use to push the trailer out on the sand? Guessing your club has a tractor for launch & recovery?
  14. You're not the only one Scott! I'm not exactly leaping at the prospect of a solo berthing exercise in the last available space either 😬 However the good thing about our drystack is that if all else fails I can just put her alongside the recovery pontoon and let the drystack team sort her out. I have done this in the past and Ali was fine about it. Just means no time to wash down alongside but I can live with that. Reckon I might have an afternoon's solo berthing practice just to build experience.
  15. Hell no. As Fisty says, you're good value here so you can stay.... for now.... 😉🤣
  16. Good session that. Well done. Not sure about the Captain's hat & camo combo though. 🤣 And as for the beautiful jam rags.... 🤮🤣
  17. Yep, that was amazing. I was bringing my bait up to avoid tangles whilst you were playing your tope when that second fish followed my mackerel up and nailed it on the surface. Tope off the top... who knew!?
  18. Think I've chatted to him a couple of times at the dry stack. Invite him on here if you get hold of him @Tony smith.
  19. Ah. Bad luck... did you remember to tie the hooks on??
  20. Top report Tony! Sounds like you had a blast, despite the engine trouble. Cracking effort 👍👍 Was that you on ch16 talking to to the coastguard and he was asking if you were a member of a recovery service like Seastart?
  21. Yes, they do! They recently changed their rota to work bank holidays. We found out the hard way by not putting our bins out on Easter Monday and I had to do a run to the tip later in the week with a car boot full of bin bags 🤮
  22. PS. What bait did it fall to? I'm impressed that they're already here to catch. Not usually around until early summer, so an extra well done.
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