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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Looks good but the wrong way up 🀣 Give it a twist and repost πŸ‘
  2. Quality catch! Good work!! Definitely the lucky hat 🀣 Very well done. You're starting to build a reputation as the big fish man. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  3. I just put my shoes and coat on and went outside in the rain and dark just now to put the bins out ready for collection tomorrow morning only to find that someone had already put them out... Turns out I already put them out earlier this afternoon... with no recollection of doing so. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜¬ What have you gone to do, only to find you've already done it? Or not done but swore you'd done it already? #vaccinedementiaisreal
  4. Not nerd anger, just regular anger. How would you like to be spoken about as if you'll just drop everything and edit someone else's posts cost they can't be arsed. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  5. You can depend on the nerd to delete yours if you keep up the back chat... 🧐 #donttakeyournerdforgranted
  6. Oxford/AZ then. Same one I got. Hope she makes a swift recovery.
  7. Fingers crossed she feels better soon Jon. Which vaccine did she have?
  8. Nice image. I have C-Map Reveal sea floor shading and as you say, the correlation between the wreck images and the sonar returns are bang on accurate πŸ‘
  9. That's a fair old way to go. Kudos to you all. Some nice fish too. Well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘
  10. Some gratuitous doggie pics for all the dogfish lovers out there... And a chrome dome shot just for @GPSguru
  11. @Saintly Fish and I had been planning an afternoon into evening session with our sons for the last couple of weeks. Tarlach Too was the tub of choice for a session with the boys, complete with bunks, sleeping bags and cooking facilities. The weather looked good yesterday so the plan was on. We headed out to the East Bramble Buoy to drop the hook and it wasn't long before the rod tips started to rattle. Some cracking dogfish came aboard, including one that I'll enter into the Biggest Dogfish comp πŸΆπŸŸπŸ˜‰πŸ€£. Then we started seeing smoothounds come to crab. Then Neil upped the ante with a truly superb pout... I managed a late whiting on baited feathers, followed by the worlds smallest spider crab. I'll leave Neil to post up Leo's star catch, which rather outshone the rest of our fish combined πŸ‘ As the tide died we moved north of Cowes but the fishing was a little slower here, so we fired up the stove and cooked up some Chicken Korma for dinner. As we fished into dusk a strap conger came to the boat before we headed for home in the darkness. Five species and plenty of giggles with the boys. Big thanks to Neil and Leo for hosting Thomas and I. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  12. Well, I'm in the vaccination queue but I spared the goldfish.
  13. Well done for getting out. A busy day if nothing else. πŸ‘
  14. Lovely pic but I can't see any dogfish. Must try harder. 🐢🀣
  15. Maybe we should start a landlubbers chapter... "Asphalt Outlaws"
  16. Always reminds me of Hulk Hogan... #doppelganger
  17. Top work. That's a decent sized pout in the pic. Definitely plate-worthy. The local knowledge you have of your marks comes through in your reports. Kudos. πŸ‘
  18. How far out are you planning to head Scott?
  19. ...anyone else get too excited to sleep? I always have a hard time dropping off. It's like Christmas Eve as a kid all over again 😬😁.
  20. When hand hauling, did you motor up slowly and recover the slack as you went until you hauled the last bit vertically? Or did you try to pull the boat uptide by hand when taking in the slack?? New set up sounds more reasonable to hand haul vertically for sure, especially with a buoy to help.
  21. I'd say go for it. It will build your confidence hugely and enable you to use your boat more often, rather than having to ring round for a deckhand, or risk being let down on the day by a no-show. I used to beach launch and recover single-handedly, now that's a faff and a half! The solo sessions themselves were fine - nice to have a bit of peace and quiet but... I also found that fishing wasn't quite as enjoyable solo. For example, it's good to have someone else on board to share the moment with when a fine (dog)fish comes over the gunnel.
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