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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. According to the book of words it's pretty much plug and play using the Deutsch connectors. Just need a switchable power source for the auto-retract so likely the ignition circuit.
  2. So after @jonnyswamp found a supplier asking reasonable money for these I too bit the bullet and ordered one. Arrived ahead of schedule from the US with all import duties taken care of. Should at least make it easier for me to work out which tab is doing what, and has the bonus feature of auto-retraction apparently. #tabmuppet #lefttabdownabit
  3. Pretty much, although true pop-ups are much more buoyant than beads (most of which float anyway just not very well, based on my experience), and are a slightly different shape than regular beads. See the link below. https://www.veals.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000002.pl?WD=pop&PN=Tronix-Lumi-Pop-Ups-4565.html#SID=76
  4. I don't think Jon was criticising you Geoff - simply using the phrase "if's and jeff's". But then, I reckon you already knew that 😉
  5. Well done MacGuyver! Good fixing and good fishing. Good lesson for us all there too. 👍
  6. Great report Steve! Dogs at the blocks you say? I'm on it!! 🐶🤣 Very productive session with a very nice plaice. Good size for this early in the season. Well done 👍
  7. Impressive fish. Well done to your dad 👍
  8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
  9. Bad news and bad luck. Sorry to hear that Adam. At least it's fixable. But frustrating nonetheless.
  10. Thanks. Will see if I can free off the coupling. Might have to take it apart rather than use brute force given that the trailer is up on blocks.
  11. I didn't remove the auto reverse cams when I removed the brakes, so they're still in the same positions they were before the brakes were removed a few seasons ago. They still move ok but are fairly corroded. However, I believe the brake coupling is currently in the compressed (reverse?) position. I suspect it's stuck in that position. Not sure if this is relevant?
  12. Well that sounds like a weekend of adventure, even if most of it was spent blanking! That's a fair catch in my book. It was hooked and it was brought to the boat. No rule says it has to be the same hook that boats the fish 😉👍
  13. Some nice fish there! Well done indeed, particularly on the cod. 👍👍
  14. Try cropping the photos slightly. This sometimes works to reduce the file size. Or try a file hosting site like Imgur or Flickr.
  15. It's a fair question but everything looks the same as the old stuff that came off.
  16. Yes to slack, yes to brake lever being off, yes to centralised shoes. I'm scratching my head as to what else to try other than removing some of the linings.
  17. Shoe linings are too thick. You can see the line where the drum fits only so far and when I rotate it it wears the lining. Annoyingly whilst I have a junior hacksaw blade with me it will take forever and a day to scrape away the lining (I tried and got nowhere fast) and I don't have my respirator with me so I cant use my flap wheel. On the up-side, there's enough movement of the shoes that I reckon I can flap wheel them in situ. But that's a job for another day when I have the respirator.
  18. What do you mean by that Jon? Could you be more specific (aka helpful)?
  19. Any Outlaws suffer from it? Or got any good methods to cure it? I've been very lucky and never been sick. If I ever feel a bit queasy it's usually because I've had my head down rummaging in my tackle box or focusing on tying a knot. I look up to the horizon as soon as I feel it and that usually cures it. I remember one time on a charter in Cornwall we were steaming back from a wreck in a lumpy following sea and I kept on getting lungfuls of diesel fumes. That didn't help much either. 🤮
  20. What piece of advice would you give to a new boat owner just starting out on their boat owning journey? Or what advice do you wish someone had told you before you started? For me, it's about safety, safety and safety. Get your VHF certificate and get your safety gear sorted first. Fancy plotters and fishfinders come a pale second to keeping you and crew safe at sea. What about you?
  21. That's a busy session. Well done. 👍 Any pics? Guessing peeler did the business for them?
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