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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. That's a nice pic Tony. Good view of her structure under the hull. Thanks for sharing. If you don't mind, I'll move this thread to the Boat Owning Equipment forum rather than Catch Reports. There are a couple of articles on sonar in the Article section - take a read through if you're interested in this sort of thing. I personally find it fascinating to see stuff on the sea floor πŸ‘ https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/33-articles/
  2. Good suggestion @mick. The committee are in agreement so we now have a Location field in our Profiles. Edit your Profile to find and complete it. πŸ‘
  3. Makes it even more special then. Lovely specimen πŸ‘πŸ‘ Is it a PB? Stick it in the PB thread if so.
  4. Andy135


    Not at all. Moderated means you can't talk freely. I'm not stopping anyone from saying what they want, just keeping the site tidy.
  5. 🀣🀣🀣 How do you come up with this stuff? 🀣
  6. Get in! That's a cracker! Looks like a smoothound? Tail notch doesn't look like a tope.
  7. Sounds promising! Looking forward to hearing more πŸ‘
  8. Andy135


    Not moderated. Just... relocated 😁
  9. Andy135


    You mean you wanted to hide a shit dad joke in amongst his so no-one would call you out on it? 🀣
  10. Funny you should mention that. The same idea occurred to me after I'd taken the pics. Would have been so much quicker and easier. Still, as I don't have a shot blasting set up this was the quickest way for me to get them done. I can hopefully get them back on the trailer tomorrow.
  11. If it's that good I'd better buy some more gear 🀣
  12. Knew we could count on you Jon πŸ‘πŸ€£
  13. Quality write up. Sounds like hard work but at least some fish for your efforts. Well done on the SPJ too. Very envious πŸ‘
  14. I'm calling these done. Time for a beer.
  15. This will be my fall back option. Instead of a blade I'll just put them in the vice and run the flap wheel over them to take off half a mil or so - whilst wearing a respirator! #safetyfirst
  16. Andy135


    Here you go mate. Just in case eh? πŸ˜‰
  17. Andy135


    You cheeky fucker! 🀣🀣 8/10 for that.
  18. I went out and got a new 60 grit flap wheel yesterday and spent 20 mins on one of the drums this morning, just to see what difference a new flap wheel would make compared with my old, tired one. You can see the results below. Top drum as they were with the old flap wheel. Bottom with the new one. Might be able to avoid the lathe after all.
  19. Fixed that for you Neil πŸ˜‰
  20. @Tony smith, how was the fishing overnight? Any success?
  21. Aha! I can see you're gonna fit right in here! πŸΆπŸŸπŸ‘πŸ€£
  22. West of the Hounds in Brack Bay. Often covered in pot buoys.
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