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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. You said I would never get it. I proved you wrong. Sore loser 😝
  2. Let me guess... it involves a woman... 🤔
  3. Lol. They'll never get it... 🤣
  4. 🤣 It wasn't quite like that. Mrs135 agreed to have the kids on Saturday then retracted her offer after she "suddenly remembered" an appointment at the hairdresser... 🤔🤔 So instead I'll be planning a shore dangle at some point over the weekend.
  5. I seem to remember a theory that the bigger fish lie lower in the water and let the current bring food to them rather than chasing stuff up in the water column like schoolies do. If this is true then a weighted SP like a FBM or SG Sand Eel bumped along the bottom might help to locate the bigger specimens?
  6. Top dangling as always PH! 👍👍 With your success rate I reckon you'll have a really big girl in the boat before long 🤞
  7. Bit late to tell him that now 🤣
  8. No idea on the starter replacement, but as for the italics, edit your post, then select the italicised text and then click the I for Italic icon in the text format bar at the top of the post - should revert it back to normal.
  9. Oh, and don't forget to weigh your dogfish for the Biggest Dogfish comp. 👍
  10. Fongers crossed for you then! 😉
  11. How much of the wire length has been affected? Could you bridge the affected sections with new?
  12. How did your outing go @Maverick?
  13. Yeah, they're off the scale. One of my team lives in Texas and he was saying the state government are carrying on as if Covid doesn't exist over there. 🤦‍♂️
  14. Only where the OP wilfully disregards forum etiquette and crashes other people's threads. I see no thread crashing here.
  15. After soaking it in penetrating fluid whilst we went for a dog walk, the shaft now turns. Not smoothly, and as you say Steve it feels like it needs a new bearing. How do I take the motor apart? Looks like it's just held together by pressed tabs in the body casing.
  16. Just tried your two screwdrivers trick and it worked.Thanks Geoff 👍
  17. Take a look here Scott. Should be everything you need but shout if not. https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/articles.html/articles/seafloor-imaging-with-side-scan-transducers-r3/
  18. It's a metal gear. Doesn't look like brass, maybe some form of treated steel. Good idea about using two opposing screwdrivers.
  19. Upper end of motor looks fine... But the lower end including the gear looks goosed. @suzook12, the gear looks to be a press fit. Any tips on removal before I go and buy a small puller?
  20. And now it has its own thread to be humorous in. Three layers of humour, or do you not see that yet 😉
  21. It's under it's own thread in the Humour section. It got moved cos Jon was crashing this thread.
  22. Ha, I just found the same. 👍 I would potentially consider this but will see how I get on with trim tabs that actually work and decide at the end of the season I think.
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