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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yes, I think we saw you coming back from Boulder early afternoon-ish. Neil commented "that boat looks like the Osprey in your drystack". πŸ‘
  2. Yep, I seem to have picked up the habit of bumping them off before they get to the boat... much like someone else I could mention, eh? πŸ˜‰
  3. Good write up and a lovely cod. Well done to Andy and top marks to the skipper for all those moves to find the fish. Shame your mate Mark dropped his dogfish at the last moment - I can imagine how bad he must feel as if it were me I'd be gutted!! 😬🀣
  4. 🀣🀣🀣 Mine's exactly the same... and actually, that's just the way I like it πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
  5. Lol, it was a tough day so I was glad he had his string pulled by a good fish. Of course, it's not quite as good as a dogfish... πŸ˜‰
  6. You can blame my crew for that πŸ˜‰
  7. Good report Tony. We must have been fishing very close to each other as we were at the Middle Grounds early yesterday. No plaice for us either. Well done on the dogfish though πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
  8. Ouch! Glad he's ok! Well done for making the trip to kit him out properly. Dread to think what might have happened had you not retrieved his armour 😱
  9. Good work that man. Love a simple fix. πŸ‘ Reminds me of when I thought my bilge pump had died... turns our it was a fuse just like yours. I'm on a dry stack so she's in the water whenever I want her to be. Very lucky not to have an off season on the hard. Mind you, with lockdown this year I haven't been able to use her until today. πŸ₯³
  10. Exactly this! It felt so good to be on the water and in the sunshine that even if we'd blanked it would have still been a good day out. Bust trim tab aside... but even broken gear can be spun as an opportunity to go shoppping. Which reminds me! I now need a new tackle box as someone stood on mine and broke the side catch. #whocouldthatbe?
  11. Any more frisky chat from you and I'll move your posts to a thread I'll set up just for this purpose. I'll call it "The Dumping Ground"... where inappropriate posts go to be forgotten. #youhavebeentold
  12. Always good to scratch the boaty itch, and especially after so long. She looks great - good work πŸ‘
  13. Always good to get out PH. You certainly put the effort in. Good work. πŸ‘ As you say, it's still early, only just April. Give it another 4 weeks and I reckon the fishing will really start to turn on. Edited to say the Zonk SW is one of those lures that, for me, is either all or nothing. Either a stone cold killer or a box of doom lure on the day. Curious to hear you suggest similar for you.
  14. 🀣🀣🀣 bugger off!
  15. Unfortunately for you you sarky sod, Neil has an ace up his sleeve that he'll post in due course. πŸ˜‰
  16. Honestly, they were bigger in the flesh! #fishermanstales!
  17. I was writing it when you posted as it happens. #holdyourhorses #prawnbaitdoesworkafterall
  18. An early start saw @Saintly Fish and I steaming out of Portsmouth Harbour to head east in search of plaice. An early snag was that we discovered one of my trim tabs was no longer working. Either the switch or a new ram is needed... who said boat-owning was easy? We headed 15 or so miles east to the Middle Grounds, where Neil managed to scratch up a pout and a whiting. I however was blanking. At slack water we headed over to take a look into the Mixon Hole. We drifted it a couple of times to test out the new SPJ gear but with nothing showing on the fish finder we didn't have much hope of a fish and we weren't disappointed. As the flood picked up steam we moved over to drift the Medmery Bank for a few more drifts where, like the suckers for punishment that we are, we blanked. Again. Fearing the die would be cast for the day we had to come up with a plan B. B for Bullocks Patch, where we dropped the hook and took a gamble on there being some mixed species available, including plaice. Having had plaice at anchor from Bullocks previously, anything was possible. An assortment of baits gets sent down, including black lug, squid, prawn and peeler. Neil opens his account with a triple hook up, which is pretty impressive seeing as he only had 2 hooks on his rig. However, it doesn't take long for the star of the show to put in an appearance... At about this time, one of Neil's rods gives a mighty rattle and a fierce tussle ensues... I'll leave him to tell the story and post the pic πŸ˜‰ As the wind picked up we decided to call it a day, but not before one of my rods rattles nicely. I'd baited it with leftover prawn that didn't catch any plaice... but instead it brings a nice wrasse to the boat. Looks like @GPSguru was right about prawn as bait after all!
  19. Sounds like it has all the ingredients of an interesting catch report. Nudge, nudge, πŸ˜‰
  20. It was far too nearly for me to type straight this morning! πŸ˜‰
  21. I'm guessing you've got a stupid nearly start too then? Tight lines.
  22. Well, calm seas and tight lines to all who are out tomorrow. Looking forward to reading all the catch (or blank) reports πŸŽ£πŸ‘
  23. Some fish that. Looks a bit like a grouper of some sort.
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