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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. No pikey camps nearby that I'm aware of. It's possible that it's kept by the stable owners up the lane for rabbitting. As horse owners they will have an interest in keeping their ground free of rabbits because if a horse puts a hoof into a rabbit warren it'll snap the ankle and may well mean the end for the horse. Suffice to say we won't be taking the kids back to that playpark again. It's not one we'd been to before so we tried because it was new to them now we're allowed to travel.
  2. My family and I have just had a most unpleasant experience coming back from a playpark in the neighbouring village. Walking back through a footpath towards where we had parked the car we were confronted by a whippet cross, no owner in sight, that took umbrage to our springer who was on her lead. The whippet had her hackles up, tail held high (expression of dominance in dog body language) and was barking her head off at our dog. As we inched forwards towards the car (which was only about 20 yards away) the whippet went into overdrive and started to bite at ours. My wife and the kids backtracked towards the park and I had to resort to using the lead to pull our dog out of reach of the whippet whilst using my foot to keep the whippet off our dog. There I was spinning in a circle with one dog attempting to bite the other, who was attempting to escape and being almost held aloft by her lead, with me yelling my head off. After kicking up some dust and stones at the whippet it backed off enough for me to get to the car and throw our dog into the boot. No sooner was she out of sight than the whippet trotted off out of the footpath and up the lane towards some stables. Luckily ours wasn't actually bitten, more by luck than anything else and just seemed bemused by the whole episode. It really shook my family up though, and I'm sure the kids will give whippets/long dogs a wide berth from now on. We've raised them to be wary of strange dogs and not approach any dog other than those they know, and this encounter has definitely reinforced that. Shameful that the owners either let their dog run free or don't care enough to keep it securely in their home.
  3. I think I see your problem right there... 🀣🀣
  4. Ah, what a bum! How come it won't do up again?
  5. Thanks Ian. No harm in egg-sucking at all πŸ‘
  6. Hey, if it beats a blank then it's money well spent! 🐢
  7. Good stuff. I picked up some frozen king prawns this afternoon... from Waitrose no less! 🀣 Best fed plaice in the sea!
  8. So... what's a firlfriend then? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Might want to edit the title. πŸ˜‰
  9. Tony, you heard of any mackerel coming out at Dean Tail then? They've been getting fewer and fewer in our waters over the last few seasons.
  10. You had a birthday recently?
  11. So what did they say when they rocked up and saw you in your waders merrily casting away? They must have been relieved that they didn't have to recover a corpse I guess.
  12. Good work Dave. A March bass is something to be proud of for sure. Well dangled πŸ‘
  13. Thanks Steve. I'll give you a shout on 10 if I get anything decent.
  14. Sunday weather is looking pretty awesome! πŸ€— Literally cannot wait!! #dogfishhereicome!
  15. I had no idea it was Pete's birthday today 😯. Happy Birthday Pete!
  16. I never had him down for being fat-ist either... who knew?
  17. 8/10 for that one Hooky πŸ‘
  18. The shape of the bow reminds me of an Offshore 105.
  19. Fingers crossed for you then! 🀞🀞😁 Looking forward to your report πŸ‘
  20. Lovely pics as always Jon. Your daughter is certainly living an enviable lifestyle over there πŸ‘
  21. Good write up Ian and well done for getting out there in less than ideal conditions. Amazing that the pout took on a jig that size! Out of curiosity how many jigs would you expect to lose on a wreck?
  22. Nice. Keep us posted. 🀞🀞
  23. Andy135

    Thank f#ck

    Good work. Got to be out there to stand a chance of finding him. πŸ˜‰
  24. I know exactly the control box you mean. Can you share the details of where you got it from as I'm also interested in fitting one to mine. Seen the eye-watering cost and lack of supply from UK suppliers - very frustrating.
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