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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yes, a night light would be great thanks. But in addition to that I'm after a cabin light. Any recommendations? #surroundedbyfuckwits
  2. Yeah, but yours leak 💦. I'm not interested in installing a shower thanks.
  3. What's everyone got in the way of LED lights for the interior of their cabins? I'm looking for a ceiling light fitting. There's a couple on Force4 but I'm curious to see if anyone has something they rate.
  4. Sucks to be you then. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Well, Tuffnells are running nearly 3 weeks late with a rod I'm waiting for. They had it, then they lost it, then they found it again, and now they've been "delivering" it for the last four days... I'm on first name terms with all their customer service agents now, who are running out of reasons why it's not been delivered and are sounding increasingly embarrassed... fuckwits.
  6. If we come up with a good name, it might just find it's way onto your boat all by itself. Just ask Fisty. He knows it can happen.
  7. You didn't, but I reckon we can have some fun with this... 🤔😉
  8. Welcome Norwayfisher. Glad you found us. Plenty of good advice and fun to be had on here. Don't mind Jon. We tell him he can be site enforcement just to give him something to do, but he's harmless really. 🤣👍 What boat do you have? We love.a boat pic or two, so post some photos in the Show Us Yer Boat thread 👍
  9. @JonC tells me that he's in the market for a new name for his Arvor. What suggestions do the Outlaws have for him then?
  10. Got any more pics Tony? She looks lovely.
  11. Cos I reckon that 95% estimate is optimistic, and the marinas will see it as an opportunity to make a bigger mark up for E5.
  12. As far as I'm aware, the only option would be to use E5 Super Unleaded. Marinas will convert their pumps to supply this instead of regular unleaded. Cost will go up but we'll keep on boating.
  13. RYA statement on E10 here: https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/government-announce-e10-to-become-standard-petrol-grade-in-uk.aspx
  14. I'm always amazed with the choice on offer for anglers in Australia and the US. We can only keep up the pressure on the government here to implement a proper sport fishing infrastructure complete with licensing and commercial bans... #livinginhope #wontholdmybreath
  15. Yeah, but don't get too excited. You've got quite some catching up to do... 🤣
  16. Made me giggle. 7/10 for that 👍
  17. Quoting this for posterity.... 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Quite right. Nearly his bedtime so he needs to be winding down just now.
  19. Not at all, just that it wasn't laugh out loud funny for me. Besides, if we gave you 8's and 9's all the time then they'd lose their impact. At least this way you'll be dead chuffed when I award you a 9.
  20. Made me smile. 6/10. 👍
  21. I don't fancy waiting til next Xmas to sell these either! 🤣
  22. Bump... come on you lot! These are just sitting in my office begging for a new home on one of your boats. Shiny, shiny 😁
  23. @Geoff, I can see you're taking on a big job with his education... best of luck! 😬
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