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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. How did this go in the end @WiFishing? Did you get it changed ok?
  2. Very good. 7/10 👍
  3. Good insights Terry. Thanks for sharing. 👍 When I have a bit more time later tonight I'll see if I can add your Excel sheet as an image so that folks without access to Excel can still read the comparison table.
  4. You shit-stirring little swine! ðŸĪĢ
  5. Only if I was planning to sleep on the boat. Which I'm not. March 29th is when the "Stay at Home" requirement ends, so at that point I no longer have to have a good reason to be away from home. "Stay Local" becomes the guidance (note guidance, not requirement).
  6. Fingers crossed you find an even bigger one then ðŸĪž. Keep us posted!
  7. Well if this is about teasing FS... then never mind his crown, make him hand over his cushions 😉
  8. Nah, he's got form with rules & regs from the Proboards site remember? We'll have to sort him out with a site foreman hat ðŸĪĢ
  9. Well said Martin, and no, that post wasn't edited. @Geoff, this was meant to be a fun little idea to encourage people to post and get involved, nothing more. We don't need to take this too seriously IMO.
  10. He can't have done. I didn't advise the use of a sledge hammer! ðŸĪŠ
  11. @Scruff64 you've inspired me to chase some wrasse when I can finally get out. I've had plenty on lure gear from the shore but not so much from the boat. I have a couple of reef marks in mind that I'll try for wrasse this season. 👍
  12. ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ Wow! Bet you had kittens when you first heard them! Glad it was just a misunderstanding. Sad for the owner of the "other" Odyssey though but good that the marina staff are on it.
  13. Got to be pleased with that! Immense wrasse. 👍 It'll make every other good wrasse you catch seem a bit small now ðŸĪĢ👍
  14. Wow! That's a biggie! What bait/lure did it take? Is it a PB? Stick it in the PB's thread if so. It's a very nice fish 👍
  15. Sadly, I don't have a "flogging a dead horse" beer, but if I did Geoff I'd send it to you 😉
  16. Unfortunately the prize goes to the best dogfish, hence the name of the beer. There was also a time limit of midnight last night to post up any qualifying pics. But you never know... there's always next time 👍
  17. Crabbing crew spent an hour recovering miles of poly line adrift. 👍 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-56477051 Aside from the environmental aspect of the article it's a navigation hazard too.
  18. Surely the title is an oxymoron Luke?? We all know you can NEVER have too much gear! ðŸĪĢ #tackletartsunite!
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