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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Well done for putting up with this lot Mike. They're never pleased are they?! πŸ™„πŸ€£
  2. Sorry M'lud. I started this, not Geoff or the others. I'll consider myself duly told off... πŸ˜”
  3. Hmm, this looks to be a hosting issue I think. I get the same mammoth text on mobile, but not on PC. Wonder if Mike can try a direct upload as his image appears to be hosted from Outlook (I think?)?
  4. Well that's just strange then. I'm using Chrome and can see it fine. You guys don't know what you're missing! I mean, we can even see his scotch eggs for lunch! @mike farrants, are you using a hosting site or was that a direct upload?
  5. That's odd. It appears just fine for me. Maybe close your browser and restart it? Or try clearing your browser cache?
  6. Ignore me Mike! Just seen you've already put up a report 😁 πŸ‘
  7. Ah, well done! Got to love a dog-fest! Sounds like you both had a productive session and we can't fault your dedication - 10 hours is a long time afloat. Good work. πŸ‘
  8. Nice ray Mike. Please post up a full catch report - sounds like a busy day!
  9. Well, @Saintly Fish is the winner of this weekend's dogfish dangle. Congratulations Neil, I'll bring your prize with me when we're out in April (hopefully!).
  10. It was never outsourced. It's being made inside the UK too at AZ facilities. In order to increase production rate they are using the AZ production lines across the world, including those in the EU, and its these ones that the EU have their sights set on. An export ban won't stop the UK from vaccinating its population, just slow it down. A delay that will cause many more needless additional UK deaths. Deaths which could in theory be attributed to an EU restriction. A cause for legal action against the EU by bereaved families maybe....?
  11. Having read this morning's news I find myself getting pretty livid at the EU for their latest ploy with banning vaccine exports. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-56479814 A classic example of changing the rules to suit themselves, to attempt to claw their way out of their vaccine planning disaster. The fact that it disadvantages the UK will be the icing on the cake for Macron and his cronies too I expect. Disregarding the rule of law will, I hope, be the beginning of the end for the EU, at home and internationally. 🀬
  12. Good session! Well done the pair of you. Just goes to show the importance of accurate anchoring. Clearly worth the extra effort to do it second time around. πŸ‘
  13. Good write-up. Shame the target species hadn't read the script but sounds like it was an enjoyable session nonetheless. Very envious πŸ‘
  14. Right then. Any more dogfish offerings from those who were out today? Fisty's currently in the lead so last call for any better doggos. Will give it until midnight tonight. Prize is a case of Stella (what else?! 🐢🀣) sent to the winner.
  15. Agreed. That first photo looks very professional πŸ‘ Thanks for sharing @Andy
  16. Didn't like to mention the rugby but seeing as you raised it... yep, quite a shame for the Welsh.
  17. Top report Nick! That's a session to be pleased with - plenty of fish and smooth sailing. Well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘ Nice photos too πŸ˜‰
  18. What's to be afraid of?! Looks like you're having a GREAT session! 🐢🎣
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