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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. @JonC, while you may be technically correct, please respect @Malc 's desire to observe his buddy's preferences for anonymity. Maybe reconsider posting his face on here?
  2. Crikey, you've been busy! Good work 👍. Some nice fish to the boat and onto the plate. That conger looks decent - shame they don't seem to make good eating as the bigger ones would feed a family for a week.
  3. Wrong on both counts 🤣. It's a tiny spot that I found on Google Earth years ago. Will let you know when I'm planning a bait session there 👍
  4. Nice fish! What's the one in the first photo? Not seen one like that before.
  5. 1. Try to go through your insurance company first because this sounds like a personal injury claim as part of the original incident - assuming you have personal injury cover under your policy. 2. If you choose to continue with the law firm you've instructed you need to read their terms closely. Make sure that they can only charge you a percentage of whatever you win from the other side. This is typical in no win-no fee engagements - they take a portion of your damages but crucially you're not expected to fund their costs above and beyond the total value of the damages recovered from the other party. The idea is that their costs come out of your winnings, so to speak, and they will (should) be keeping a close eye on their costs versus the likely payout they can claim against. Ideally I'd be looking for them to agree a percentage of payout rather than a fixed fee or "per hour" cost (which could exceed any payment you win from the other party). If they won't agree to cover their costs out of the likely payment from the other party then that may be an indication that they feel the chances of winning are slim but not zero, so they may be trying to cover their bases by saying "no win-no fee... but if we burn through more 'per hour' costs winning for you than the payout will cover then we want you to cover the shortfall". If this is the case then I, personally, would find a different firm to work with. [Speaking as a trained, but not practicing, solicitor.]
  6. Never bait fished it but I really should. There are a series of sandy reefs not far out that I suspect will hold flatfish - I've snorkelled that mark and seen small plaice close in to the rocks. I know some good turbot have been taken from boats in the bay in years gone by, and it's not far from the Skerries either. A ball weight with a sandeel bait left to trundle about in the tide would be a killer method I reckon. When I get a chance to take my bait gear down I'll drop you a line if you fancy a sesh?
  7. You two aren't shy about sharing your opinions are you @JonC and @Saintly Fish?
  8. Andy135

    Big Barra

    Great result! Well done to her 👍. What a fish! Guessing it put up quite a fight?
  9. Yeah, she went nuts 🤣. Mother said she'd snagged three steaks off the kitchen worktop the night before 🤦‍♂️ and that I should look out in case she has a runny tummy. I mean the dog, not the mother 🤣
  10. Great result! Well done the pair of you 👍. Top dangling 🎣 🎣
  11. After driving for nine hours back from France yesterday I had to head south today for another three hour drive to pick up the dog from my parents. It would have been rude not to take some lure gear with me so this evening I managed a short session at a favourite rock mark of mine. With good weather and crystal water clarity I had high hopes. A couple of missed bites, including one that took the tail clean off my Fiiish Black Minnow, told me the fish were present but would I get a hook-up? Well, it took until the literal "last cast" before I had a bend in the rod. A lovely ballan wrasse for my efforts. Not the biggest but definitely welcome.
  12. Having said that I found St Cats to be hard fishing whenever I made the trek round the back of the Island.
  13. If you want to catch fish you have to go to where they are though, not where's convenient.
  14. There are a couple of very deep wrecks in St Cats. The Isleworth is the obvious one at 64m. Or the Asborg, south of the Light. Long way to go though and the tide rips through there making it a tough place to fish.
  15. Another vote for the Ugly Stiks. The GX2 version is my go-to rod for most downtide fishing these days.
  16. Get in! Well dangled that man! Quality session. Did the rest of the boat have similar fish or were you the one they were smiling at through gritted teeth?
  17. Not guilty! I'm in France this week, so the poor fishing was all their own fault... ...for once 🤣
  18. Fair play Malc. Good gathering 🤣
  19. Excellent! As you've probably figured out, the whole launch/recovery process does get easier with time & experience. Glad you had a successful first outing. The fish will follow I'm sure 👍
  20. He may be right - I'm looking at it from a car engine perspective but I can see why a marine engine manufacturer would want to seal the joint.
  21. I don't know about your engine specifically but I'd be surprised if the leads weren't replaceable.
  22. Impressive! I'm not on FB so thanks for sharing 👍
  23. Andy135


    @Odyssey thanks Luke, any dates in early October??
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