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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. You jammy sod! 🀣 Good luck wherever you decide to go. Make sure you boat a doggie for me - send pics!
  2. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ #Ishouldhavegonetospecsavers
  3. That sounds like a convenient method with the zip lock bags. I'm guessing you take the frozen lump of bait out of the bag before sending it down.
  4. So by the end of March, assuming the stay local order is rescinded, we should all be able to get out and drop a line. By that time it'll be getting close to bream time. What ground-baiting/chumming recipes do the Outlaws use for bream then? I've used plain boiled rice, fish oil and bran in the past. Also small halibut pellets. Anyone got anything that works well on their patch?
  5. Good report Jon - thanks for sharing. Some great photos too. Keeps me going until we can get out ourselves.πŸ‘
  6. Some lovely pics Mike. πŸ‘ That pic of the east side of Portland reminds me of some sessions I had luring for bass from shore behind the prison. Had a good few bass from there.
  7. Here's a guide to using photo sharing sites such as Imgur or Flickr. No file size limitations when using this method. πŸ‘
  8. You cheeky f*cker! I mean, you're right, but still cheeky...
  9. Quality result! I'm more than a little envious. Well done on the fishing and the learning. It's always a mixture of excitement and nervousness on your first trip out on a new-to-you boat - glad that it all went smoothly. As for your anchor chain knot - did you anchor up at or near slack water? There's a (very slim) chance that the chain could have formed a loop on its way down that then settled right over the anchor, which would have pulled tight once the tide started to run. Likely a one in a million chance though so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Shame about all those unwanted species but well done on your dogfish - you must be super pleased! I know I would be... πŸ˜‰πŸ€£ More reports and pics next weekend please, assuming you can get out. For those of us who aren't local to our boats reports like these keep us going πŸ‘πŸ‘
  10. @suzook12 is our resident battery expert, so I'll leave him to respond re: start vs leisure batteries. Might be worth investigating why your battery voltage dropped to begin with though otherwise it'll happen to the new battery too. Oh, and how did it go on Saturday then??
  11. Well done Steve! I knew I could count on you for a doggie πŸΆπŸ‘πŸ€£ Sounds like it was a great day to be out. Not jealous at all, really.... 😭 I had heard that there were a few boats out on the weekend - got sent pictures of one who had a 2lb 15oz plaice from the blocks, which is a pretty good fish in anyone's book.
  12. Keep us posted on your progress @WiFishing πŸ‘
  13. The fact that it stops on both switches suggests it's not a faulty switch. My guess would be a break or weak point in the wiring from the switches to the tilt motor. Presume you've checked the connections for corrosion? Assuming they're all good, then check the wiring itself for kinks or breaks. Assuming that's ok, then it could be the tilt motor itself. When it stops do you keep trying the switch but nothing happens or do you rest it for 30 seconds before trying again?
  14. I've fished it once for about 30 mins and blanked. TBF I was off the wreck and anchored facing east, fishing the bank towards the deeper 40m water. Whilst we were there a charter fishing the wreck itself hauled up a decent conger, so there must be fish there. The bank looks like it should fish for rays. Not heard of any spurdogs coming out but never say never. Even though we were well off the wreck we managed to snag the anchor. Nothing serious but enough to spin the bow round during the Alderney retrieval. It gave with a jerk and we were free again, so be sure to trip your anchor if you plan to fish the bank.
  15. Fair price for a tagged rod πŸ‘ Question is... do I really need another 12/20 πŸ€”πŸ€”
  16. He's done a good job there. You must be pleased! πŸ‘
  17. Nice looking boats. They're on my list of "boats to own one day". Mostly inboard versions over here, but they do make outboard versions for their home market in the US.
  18. Anything that size will likely be from China. If you buy a brand you'll just be paying for the name without necessarily getting better quality. Perhaps install them and see how they perform. You can always replace them if needed.
  19. @Jon cook, given that we'll be allowed to travel at the end of March, now would be a good time to start hitting the adverts and brokers in earnest, getting them to prioritize you as a motivated buyer before everyone else start thinking about buying a boat. First come first served and all that. Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs, just keen for you to find the right boat. πŸ‘
  20. Andy135


    You know, you can award minus points Geoff...
  21. Come on you lot! We can't do it unless we get enough peeps to join in. What about you @jonnyswamp? Or @mike farrants? Or @GPSguru? And I'm sure we can arrange shipping down under @JDP!
  22. Only have one shelf of our second freezer for bait at present, but will be investing in a dedicated bait freezer in the next few months, so I'm interested to hear peoples responses to this thread too.
  23. Does anyone have any recommendations for material I could use for headlining and the sides of my cabin? Looking to stop condensation forming on the uninsulated parts of the cabin. Would make it a bit more snug too.
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