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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. @Hooked1980, what about you? What you got planned for when we're allowed out?
  2. Well done Pete. It was a good day to be outside. Shame about your bolts.
  3. It's clickbait to drive traffic to their site - they'll get ad revenue for doing, basically, nothing.
  4. Some people are so hard to please... 🙄
  5. Wishful thinking on so many levels....
  6. You're just rubbing it in now 🤣 #landlockedandlockeddown
  7. Excellent Mike! Will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly for you. Take lots of pics and post up a report afterwards please. 👍
  8. HoseCoil make the hose in question (https://hosecoil.com/). They seem to be mostly well known for marine deck wash systems but I also see that they've branched out into the garden hose space and also do that flat pack spiral hose too. My old HoseCoil hose had a couple of pinhole leaks, which was why I needed to replace it (TBF it was around ten years old). Other online reviews suggest that the HoseCoil hoses split at the tap end when used in a garden setting (likely the point of most articulation and therefore stress on the hose itself). I'll let you know how I get on with the new hose, but for the price I can't really complain.
  9. Whilst I applaud their sentiment, their methods are perilously close to dumping at sea... I worry that their actions will give everyone with access to a boat the feeling that it's ok to throw stuff overboard "because it stops trawlers..."
  10. Shhh! You'll get me in trouble with the @JonC Politicks Police! Besides, I was very deliberate in my wording Ian - this is about the LEGAL decision, not the politics behind it 🤣
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56209007 The Supreme Court has refused Shamima Begum's request to be allowed back into the UK to appeal the removal of her citizenship. What do the Outlaws think of this? Not looking to get into a debate over what she's done, rather whether it's right that she now has no practical means of appeal. A question over the individual's right of a fair hearing vs the need for national security.
  12. Thing is Gord, you know you're a serious buyer, but how does the seller know that? Best way to show them in my opinion is to call them and have a chat. You can ask questions and hear the answers directly - if the seller pauses or fluffs around over the answers it gives you another level of insight over and above the pictures. If you and the seller build up a rapport on the phone it can help you get prioritised over other prospective buyers. This happened to me when I bought my current boat from Jersey. Phone calls and a video call tour of the boat led to a sea trial, all because we had built up a rapport on the phone. He held the boat until I could get on a plane to see it in person, despite him having (text-only) interest from local buyers, and the fact that he and I had spoken several times meant he could see that I was genuine which helped him to feel comfortable about letting me have first refusal. On the flip side, if you call and they don't pick up or don't respond to your answerphone message, isn't that rather a good indication of whether they're serious about selling?
  13. Some of you may know that my Hosecoil deck wash hose has more holes in it than @Saintly Fish's thruster tube, and I've been looking for a replacement for some time that wasn't either astronomically expensive or sold from the US with import charges. I finally found somewhere online that sold not only the right hose, but it also came with a new spray head and sponge, all for £15! https://cpc.farnell.com/hosecoil/580-hs5004u/self-coiling-hosepipe-std-blue/dp/SI18847?st=hosecoil The hose length is about 2.5 times what I need, so I've cut it to length and will keep the rest as a spare. #littlewin!
  14. First trip out I'll be calibrating the Point 1 electronic compass I installed just before lockdown, and hopefully then chase some plaice. Assuming early April before I'm out so they should be around. Frankly though I'll just be grateful to be back out on the boat. 👍
  15. This is true but please don't out me in public before I'm ready... I told you about that in confidence.
  16. Looks like they might be forced to though. They can't sell the regular fuel at E5 now (it has to be E10, which many of their marina customers can't use), so they'll follow market demand for the Super grade E5 and drop the regular stuff instead of footing the cost to install new pumps for the two grades of petrol. So the existing pumps would supply Super grade E5 and they'll charge even more of a mark-up cos Super-grade is higher octane and is more expensive anyway.
  17. Ouch! What a smack-down! 🥊😵 I got nothing to give back to that 🤣
  18. Small batch stuff will always be more expensive sadly. It's the large volume stuff that brings the unit cost right down. Given that OO is now "official" I'd prefer not to make the logo generally available.
  19. If it's price first, you'd likely be better off buying plain tees from Primark for what, £3 a pop. They're cheap enough to be disposable at that price.
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