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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. That's what I'm thinking Ian. Assuming the clip doesn't affect the flutter of the jig I can't see a reason why it wouldn't work. The BS of the clips are more than my leaders anyway, so as you suggest, even the mini-link clip would be fine.
  2. Here's a question then... for changing jigs the usual approach is to wind it off the split ring, which for me takes longer than it takes me to tie the leader knot. So I might as well just leave the jig and hook assembly rigged and re-tie a whole new set onto the leader. Or... is there any reason why we couldn't use something like the Breakaway link clip instead of the split ring. Example here: https://www.lymebaytackle.co.uk/shop/rig-components/crimps-clips/breakaway-mini-links/?v=79cba1185463 The solid ring that takes the assists could go on first, followed by the jig loop, and the leader could be tied onto the top of the link in its usual place. The clip end of the link is acting just like the split ring, but would be so much quicker to change jigs (and assists if necessary). Is there a reason why don't we do this already?
  3. Milk and sugar please Terry! πŸ˜‰
  4. You can thank him yourself Ian... @Terry Smith πŸ‘
  5. I know what you mean Jon. All their stuff seems downbeat on an epic, end-of-the-world scale. "We're doomed!"
  6. I could be wrong, but aren't crab sticks not actually made of crab? I seem to remember they're made of something else? Just googled: Who knew? https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+crab+sticks+made+of&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB831GB831&oq=what+are+crab+sticks+made+of&aqs=chrome.0.0l2j0i22i30l5j0i390.4113j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. Got to be because you're on their radar I would have thought. Whatever the reason, I say go for it... although if you've read the previous posts already you'll know that the Outlaws' opinions are split on this πŸ˜‰
  8. I mentioned your name and everything πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
  9. At the end of the day it's a numbers game and the more people are vaccinated, the lower the chances the virus has to circulate... which has surely got to be good for us all?
  10. Not true. A lure is anything that's not bait.
  11. You'll have to wait and see. I'll post up some pics when the stuff arrives. Remember that @Ivan Tuna and I have a little competition going to see who can catch a doggie on a lure... with this new kit, it's in the bag! 🀣
  12. So.... I've just had a very informative phone call with Terry, and I now have some shiny new lockdown tackle on its way... 😁 πŸ‘
  13. I can already see the headlines... "Asymptomatic anti-vax plumber super-spreads Covid to OAP's. Charges them for the privilege!" "Our correspondent reports that doctors believe they have found the cause of the high levels of elderly mortality in the Soton area. It's thought a super-spreading plumber was the cause of the high infection rate amongst the over-eighties, despite their attempts at strict isolation. This quote from Doreen, 83, one of his customers "He was ever such a nice young man but his prices were on the steep side. Then he tried to charge extra for giving me Covid!"
  14. 8/10 for that one Luke! Made me laugh out loud πŸ€£πŸ‘
  15. That is a beast! Fair to say I'm pretty envious πŸ‘
  16. Well it made me chuckle. 6/10 and a whippet for that one πŸ‘
  17. Not at all. I was just describing how I feel about it. You're free to decide as you see fit πŸ‘
  18. Whilst this is true, it's only part of the story. A vaccinated person who encounters the virus will reduce the amount of virus they pass on (thanks to the vaccination) so over time the amount of virus in general circulation will get less and less. For me, I'll be getting the vaccine as soon as I'm offered it - to protect me and my immediate family, plus it will allow me to hopefully visit my parents with a clear conscience, knowing I've done everything I can to keep them safe (they got their shots today). Plus, it's my small way of acknowledging the risk that the early vaccine volunteers took in testing the vaccine. They took that risk for the greater good. It would be churlish of me to turn down the vaccine "just in case" after all they did for us. πŸ‘
  19. He's a braver man than me! 6/10
  20. Really? I didn't have you down as a refuser Neil! What side effects are you concerned about?
  21. Just read this article about whether the government should include vaccine refusers in their calculations on when and whether to lift restrictions. I'm inclined to agree with Mark Harper... "if you don't get vaccinated the consequences are on you." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-56043196
  22. Wow! Quality fish! Sounds like an epic session πŸ‘πŸ‘
  23. Very good. Made me laugh πŸ‘
  24. Seen that vid a while ago. They've got some skills πŸ‘
  25. Not naive at all. It takes time to find the right boat. The usual method is to travel to see a boat, no matter where in the country it might be. Of course, lockdown has made that nigh on impossible so don't beat yourself up about it. When lockdown ends I predict there will be lots of pent up demand for boats, and also lots of sellers marketing their boats. Give it until lockdown ends then commit to travelling wherever you need to, to find the right boat. It'll all be worth it in the end πŸ‘
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