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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. 9.5/10 for that one 🤣🤣🤣👍
  2. Another old one... but a good one. 👍
  3. No, it was my Orkney 440. As I paid for it I saw that someone had left on the counter a sheet of paper that outlined the agreement he had with the owner - 20% brokerage fee. For a couple of online adverts and half an hour of work...! 😡 At that point I promised myself that I'd never again use a broker, either for buying or selling.
  4. Yes but how does that sentiment translate into "Predictably level high"? Makes no sense.
  5. An oldie but a goodie. 6/10.
  6. Don't worry Martin. Jon is all mouth and no trousers - he doesn't even know where to find the Ban button. Mind you... he might make an exception for those that spell his name wrong. 😝
  7. I bought a used boat from Mr Pirate. Never again...
  8. I did a bit of research into Pirate 21's before I bought my current boat. I seem to remember around 2006/2007 but I could (quite easily) be wrong. Best bet would be to ring them and ask. https://www.pirate-boats.com/
  9. That made me chuckle - well played 👍
  10. Good post. I'm a huge FG knot fan, having used it for bass luring and on the boat. It's possible to tie it in a rocking tub, but as you say, it quickly gets hard to make a good job of it. On dry land however it's quite simple. The thing that puts me off using a tying tool is that it's yet another bit of kit to take out with you, and if you forget or lose it you can't tie new knots during a session.
  11. You mean somewhere for Jon to post his cricket crap so that it doesn't make a mess on the rest of the forum? A bit like a litter tray for cricket.
  12. The Beeb and ITV will have sold them the rights to broadcast it, so it's money for old rope for them.
  13. Good offer Lee, and good on you for making it. I'm sadly too far to take advantage but I'm sure someone will take you up on it. 👍
  14. Good stuff Mike. Sounds like you're nearly ready to take her out!
  15. Nice catch Jon 👍 #welljell🤣
  16. Very good. 8/10 from me 👍
  17. @Saintly Fish, remember what I said about side effects? 😉
  18. The current owner clearly has his priorities in order. Can't think of a better reason to upgrade... 🍻
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