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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Yes, probably. But even so, it would have made him a few quid?
  2. Ok, maybe I'm getting hung up on the need for absolute vertical fishing then. This is my frame of reference: https://www.anglers-secrets.com/faq-why-does-it-have-to-be-so-vertical-for-slow-pitch-jigging/ and as much as I like the name, I'm definitely not fitting a Spanker to my tub. 😉
  3. You mean Stainless Steve in Lymington? Wasn't responsive when I left a voicemail for a stainless landing net, so why would he be any more responsive for anything else?
  4. Steve, where did you get yours fabricated? I'm in the market for a set of bow rails and possibly an arch.
  5. Andy135

    It's home

    Well done Geoff! Now that she's on your drive I bet you'll find it so much easier to plug away at all those little but important jobs to get her finally finished. See you at the boat meet in July then 😉👍
  6. Per the title, does anyone use (or have used) a downrigger? Seems to be a potential best of both worlds when fishing lighter tackle & lures but at depths and in tides that would make fishing a pain ordinarily.
  7. So I know that slow jigging is supposed to be done vertically, which means in practice at or either side of slack water. But what about jigging on the drift? I'm wondering if it could be a worthwhile technique to use while covering lots of ground looking for new productive marks, given the wide range of species that take jigs. The challenge would be staying in touch with the jig and being able to work it properly if it drifts at a different speed to that of the boat. Thoughts? Would it be better to use a regular shad lure instead?
  8. Yes that was where I tried them in the past and just didn't feel confident with them. Will persevere!
  9. Hi Peachey, it's a tough decision. As for a self-draining deck I guess it depends on how likely you are to go out in conditions that would make it worthwhile. We had a discussion on here a few weeks ago about self-draining decks and the need for retro-fitting scuppers. For me it comes down to the fact that I'm mostly a fair weather boater and I'm highly unlikely to go out into iffy weather, therefore I'm also unlikely to need a self-draining deck (plus I've not yet needed one when I've been at St Cats...). Only you can decide if it's a high priority item based on your own weather tolerance 👍 I seem to remember you saying that you have a launch area that is relatively shallow? If so, then the draft of the hull would probably be my priority. Shallow draft would point me towards a Wilson or similar with a dory/cathedral hull. Slams a bit more, but gets you out earlier and back in later through shallower water.
  10. Lordy! Now we'lll never hear the end of it from you 😉 "Look at me, I'm Insta-famous!" 🤣
  11. Yep - never a more welcome fish than a doggie on a blank day. 🐶🎣👍 But in all seriousness, I do think they have an unfair rep. Sure, they're not the greatest fighter, but they're my kids' favourite, and I have a soft spot for them too. They're little sharks, with rough skin (no slime) and eyelids that close (cute). One of the most charismatic fish, especially when they wrap themselves round your wrist and puke all over your trousers... 🤣
  12. Yes, I reckon you're right. Makes me think that it's also down to us as anglers to go and seek out that little patch of fresh ground that isn't known or fished by the masses. Got to be some plaice around still - just need to put in the legwork to find them.
  13. Plaice! Now there's a species that seems to be getting thin on the ground round our way. The Blocks have never fished well for me, neither has Medmery. Tried Middle Grounds once and blanked, so haven't gone back. Maybe it's me but since the mussel beds have disappeared so it seems have the plaice. On the other hand, it could just be that I'm crap at fishing... 🤣
  14. Mike, what changed for you then to decide to start going to matches? @Saintly Fish says it was a family connection for him as a youngster, but it sounds like you found some other trigger seeing as you started to follow it as an adult?
  15. I've been to a few matches and it's undoubtedly impressive, but was I hooked? If I'm honest I usually can't wait to leave and do something more interesting to me. Even the post-match analysis in the pub isn't that enjoyable - everyone else is busy dissecting the plays in detail, and I'm on the outside of the conversation. So for me, I'm yet to see why it's as popular as it is.
  16. Neither of my parents followed football, but then neither of them fished either. I haven't a clue about the rules of rugby, which is rather a large barrier to enthusiasm right there. I think for me it's broader than just football. I'd rather participate in any sport than watch it. But I still don't get why people follow football... ⚽️🤷‍♂️
  17. So how and why does one follow a team then. Do people wake up one morning and simply decide to support a team? I used to love playing football when I was a kid. Every break time and after school. But I always wanted to play it rather than watch it on TV. Could never see the attraction of watching others play when I could be playing it myself.
  18. Don't get me wrong, the experience of being in the stadium is impressive, especially when the home team scores, but I still don't get why people follow football with such a passion. Seems a lot of effort and expense for 30 seconds of elation... which isn't even guaranteed.
  19. Yeah, I don't get it at all, which is why I asked, and I'm not sure you've convinced me yet... #stillflummoxed 😉
  20. So why do many fans support teams they have no geographical connection to? Reckon there must be way more Man U fans than the population of Manchester...
  21. I've never been a football fan and I barely even get excited about the World Cup, so I've always looked on with a sense of benevolent bemusement when others get emotionally invested in following football teams; the highs and the lows, the beery passion of an afternoon sat in front of the telly, or in the stands (seats) supporting their team, the not insignificant expense of this season's replica kits, season tickets, travel to the away games etc. Can anyone help me understand why they bother with all this, especially when they could go dangling for dogfish instead?? #flummoxedaboutfootball
  22. That's precisely my point. True saints don't get sent off 😉
  23. Not exactly a saintly performance.
  24. Why would anyone want one of those?
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