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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. That one was a bit predictable. 5/10 I'm afraid.
  2. The semi-circular profile should mean that a tap with a hammer on one end of the key will cause it to rotate in the key way; as the tapped end sinks, the other end will be pushed upwards and out of the key way. Keep tapping it out gently until it's free.
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_(engineering)#Woodruff_keys Has some text about key removal too.
  4. Yes. Keep hold of it when it comes out as you'll need to put it back in before installing your prop again.
  5. @JDP, another probably dumb question... do spear-fisherpeople work in pairs like dive buddies, or do they work alone to avoid the risk of spearing their partner?
  6. Glad you're both on the road to immunity Geoff. Light at the end of the tunnel 👍
  7. Andy135

    My boat

    Welcome Rick. Cracking boat! 👍 Where do you fish out of?
  8. Lots to think about. Thanks for taking the time to write out such a comprehensive reply, Jon 👍
  9. Thanks Jon. Very much appreciated 👍 Any guidance on masks? Or how to stop them fogging?
  10. EU have just backtracked on including NI in the export ban. Clearly something's up.
  11. The plot thickens... apparently AZ are indeed only under a "best efforts" clause in their contract with the EU, meaning the EU are out on a limb with their export ban posturing and are likely playing to the domestic crowd who are baying in anger because of the delays to the EU vaccination program. https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/29/lawyer-says-eus-position-in-vaccines-row-is-legally-unsustainable-13990071/?ito=amp-tag-post-strip-item-1
  12. Shocking service that. Hope you haven't paid him yet...
  13. Andy135


    Don't burst my bubble Geoff 😭🤣
  14. Andy135


    Well I like it. 7/10 👍
  15. 🤣 I was sparing your feelings Neil. Just trying to be kind. 🤭
  16. Well it can't be any bloody worse, now can it??
  17. I haven't come across this before but I can see how it would be a major concern as the chain balled up and shortened. If it were me I wouldn't sleep well until it were replaced, so you've done the right thing in replacing it. Why did you need to move away from short link chain? Was there anything intrinsically wrong with it, or just routine replacement?
  18. Yes, I just read about that. Absolutely shameful! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-55864442
  19. Well, that's Fisty's thread on hydro-dipping well and truly Carp-et Bombed... wonder who's thread I can do next... 😉
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