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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. No. What do you have in mind to dip? Reel body for Leo?
  2. None taken old boy. It's all in good jest. Now... how's that prop of yours? Still stuck?
  3. You might be better off asking your local university or design college - that sort of design/shape would be good as a learning exercise for their students. Or failing that, ask on a 3d printing forum. Plenty of enthusiasts out there who would have no problem helping you out. Here are a couple to get you started. https://3dprintboard.com/ http://www.3dprintersforum.co.uk/
  4. EU putting export bans on vaccines made within the EU. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55860540 Not sure how I feel about this, other than they're having a hissy fit that they were slow to contract for purchasing, slow to approve the AZ vaccine, slow to roll out their vaccination planning, and now they're restricting supply to make up for their prior failures. I was on the fence regarding Brexit but the EU's behaviour might just tip me into the "good riddance" camp... [puts on tin hat and expects a visit from the politics police in due course]
  5. Just been looking for spearfishing kit online. @JDP, what do you make of this gun? https://www.spearfishing.co.uk/spearguns/guns/rob-allen-sparid-railgun/ Also need to invest in some proper flippers too.
  6. I didn't know about that Steve. Was there another one then?
  7. Marinetraffic.com, for tracking vessels fitted with AIS. See where your mates and the charters are fishing - assuming they keep their AIS turned on 😉 Could also be useful for your family to see where you are and know that you're safe. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-9.5/centery:50.0/zoom:5
  8. Funnily enough I did think of you when I saw the vid on YT 🤣
  9. Found this vid with some good tips on how to troubleshoot outboard issues.
  10. Good shout Jon, thanks. I'll give that a look a bit later. 👍 Same Aussie lad doing vids of spearing in Dorset that I've seen previously. Will dig one out.
  11. Doesn't look too hopeful sadly. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55846206
  12. You mean like the Portland I asked about in my original post? #shouldhavegonetospecsavers
  13. If that's a race we can close the thread then... 🤣 I was thinking more of the proper serious stuff. Even St Cats has been pretty mild when I've been round there, hence my question on the OP. Now to be fair I've timed my visits to St Cats to coincide with neaps and have avoided the very tip by the lighthouse, but I'm curious to know what the recommended wisdom for navigating them in general are.
  14. I'm sure we had an admin round here whos job is to keep threads on track... oh, wait...
  15. As boat anglers we've probably heard of the Portland Race, or the Start Race, or the race off St Aldhelms Head. Having never navigated a tide race before I'm interested to know what the recommended way of doing so actually is. Can any of the Outlaws help?
  16. Very good Luke! 8/10. Although... I wonder how long it will take for one of the wags on here to switch "Carp" for "Dogfish..." 🤣
  17. Bunney, what's the fishing like in your neck of the woods? What species do you mostly fish for?
  18. You're not gonna take that lying down are you @JDP?? 🤣
  19. Never been, but would love to do an extended fishing holiday over there. One day, maybe... 🤞
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