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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. And as for the hat, yes... you too could look as rugged and handsome as our model here. Go on - treat yourself!
  2. Cracking fish Graham! Lovely fish OTT. Patchinko by any chance?
  3. What sort of kit would you recommend for a starter spear-fishing set up? I already have a 3mm wetsuit that just about still fits...
  4. 10/10 for that one Ian, even if I am one of the butts of the joke 🀣
  5. I've used these ones on Apache - I prefer these to the straight tubular version as these ones have a thin rod at the base of the holder to fit into a butt gimbal - means the rod is held whichever way you place it e.g. keeps the reel upright. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B083QHBVCM/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B083QHBVCM&pd_rd_w=9Thu4&pf_rd_p=63c922c2-0d1e-424b-861c-70cf96420fed&pd_rd_wg=OZLEW&pf_rd_r=69F1CP3SCVQXXY7FJTYQ&pd_rd_r=0d2aa56a-1bd5-4230-9e9e-cdd1e783883f&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFLTjdYTURKRU41UkwmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAzOTk2NTY1RkxQVklZSlFSOUgmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDgyODQwNzNUWVFFTFBPU0g0RU4md2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  6. It's always the way isn't it? But at least you have the peace of mind and reliability of a new engine. I bet she still goes well with the 60 though.
  7. Very nice rig PH. Just right for lure fishing for bass. πŸ‘
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Helm's_Deep
  9. Well done Graham - good work!
  10. @GPSguru, you have a 160l tank in Bluefin then? What's your fuel economy like? Must be pretty good I'd have thought given there can't be much weight to yours?
  11. There's something about the name of it that I find quite evocative... definitely on my bucket list of places to fish.
  12. Like I said, challenge accepted. 😁 @Ivan Tuna, first one to catch a dogfish on a lure gets everlasting forum kudos. Loser buys the drinks. 🐢🎣
  13. 🀣🀣🀣
  14. A good post and a cracking fish! Thanks for sharing πŸ‘
  15. Agreed - I've spooked more bass than I care to think about just by splashing too noisily in the shallows when en route to a mark. Less is quite often more when luring for bass at night.
  16. Just trying to be helpful... πŸ˜‡
  17. Regarding YouTube, you need to select the "Share" link to paste in here, then it'll Embed. If you just copy the URL from the address bar it only appears as a link. See below - the two URL's are different, and it's the Share link that works.
  18. Very true... Maybe he's allergic to the "Start New Topic" button?
  19. The electronics I'm not worried about - have replaced the old Supersub with a Rule pump and float switch, so no more running on now. I just can't control how rainy it is in Pompey.
  20. He's a pro though right? And if not, why'd you hire him?
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