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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. If I can't drift my own, then where else? 🤷‍♂️
  2. True, but I can't control the weather!
  3. Yeah, I shouldn't tempt fate - there's every chance that I'll find mine full of water when I'm eventually allowed back down there... 😱
  4. And all we see in the Boat Owning section from you is "My boat's broken this..., My boat's broken that..."
  5. Surely no one has ever successfully landed a @headlight and lived to tell the tale?!?!
  6. Found some more vids of her.
  7. You've certainly got plenty of options for marks and some lovely coastline in that part of the world. Must admit I'm slightly envious!
  8. She looks very slick 👍 Good photo too. As @Saintly Fish says, is that a drone shot?
  9. Hi Mick, No, you're not being impatient. Sounds like very poor service to me. I have to say that if it were me I'd have sent the boat back as soon as it stopped pumping. There are so many good boats out there that buyers can afford to be choosy. I know it's probably not what you were hoping to hear, and as I say, it's just my opinion, but I'd always be wondering if the blockages had cooked the head and warped it, or wondering if all the rubber pieces had been removed/were any left inside. Boating is supposed to be enjoyable and recreational. I don't want to be worrying about whether any long term damage had been done to my engine.
  10. Lots to like there. Good purchase 👍 What engine does she have? @suzook12 is a fan of Colvic's if I remember correctly. What are your plans for her fishing wise? You've got the Shambles on your doorstep and you're not far from some decent wrecks either.
  11. Yeah, I can see how that would be a downer 🤣 If you post up a question and a pic or two of the latches in the Boat Owning & Equipment section I'm sure someone will be able to suggest a fix for you. 👍
  12. Very nice rig that. 👍 What is it about the front seat that you want to change?
  13. Yeah, ok. This isn't a willy-waving contest Luke 🍆😳🤣
  14. Anyone fished it? I heard it mentioned occasionally by the old timers on the Solent Sea Fishing Forum when it was still running. It's a long way out so I'm curious to know if it's worth the steam. Maybe @Scotch_Egg2012 knows it?
  15. I made these a while back but thought some of us might find it interesting during lockdown. I needed a large, cheap SP lure body for use on a 6oz jig head for vertical fishing but couldn't find anything off the shelf that was suitable, so I thought I'd try pouring my own. I'd never done this before so it was a bit of an experiment.The first stage was to make a mould I can pour into, so I needed to make a master of the lure.Using Fimo I made the rough shape of the lure body, then baked it. After baking I used a Dremel with a coarse sanding drum, plus 320 grit wet & dry to get the final shape. After shaping I mixed up some fine filler paste to smooth out a few low spots before sanding smooth again. The finished master below. Now I had the master, I needed to make the mould. So first I bedded the master into a block of plasticine. This is started by hollowing out an imprint of the master so that it fits snugly half way into the plasticine. I added the shape for the pouring funnel in plasticine too. I ended up opening it out once the mould was finished as it was too narrow to pour smoothly. The next step was to build up the sides of the mould around the plasticine block. I used the kids' Duplo bricks as they were quick and easy to assemble. I also added some ball bearings from the kids' marble run toy to make locating lugs for the two halves of the mould. See that ball of plasticine at the top of the pic below? We'll come back to that.... At this point I also sealed up all the edges with small beads of plasticine to give a good seal. I then gave everything a light coat of vaseline to ensure the mould releases well once cured. Now ready for the first pour.I worked out the volume I'd need and used an online converter to work out the total weight I'd need, then worked out the respective weights of RTV and catalyst. This is quite a large mould so I ended up needing needing nearly 400gr of silicone for each half.After weighing out and mixing for a good 5 minutes the first pour went in. After curing for 24 hours the first half was ready to pull. Not bad at all. Pleased with the way the first half came out - fully cured, released well and no bubbles.Next step was to prep the first half for the second pour. So, while keeping the master in position I rebuilt the mould sides again, remade the second half of the pouring funnel and re-lubed everything with vaseline. The second pour went in - very few bubbles, which is good.Mould fully cured and separated after curing. Next step was a test pour. I found that with a large SP like this I had to warm the mould by doing a scratch pour, which let the next pour flow much better. First batch of lures from the new mould... They all have an imperfection or two but as a first attempt I was pleased with them. PS: remember that ball of plasticine I mentioned earlier? It went missing overnight after I had poured the second half of the mould - I originally put it down to having a semi-senior moment - did I put it away somewhere and forgot? It turned up eventually..... out of the back end of the dog . She must have snaffled it during the night when the first part of the mould was curing. Who knew that dogs like plasticine...??
  16. Good video on how to tie the FG knot - the best knot I've found for tying mono/fluoro leaders to braid. Strong and streamlined for casting.
  17. 🤣 Ain't that the sad truth! You make a fair point - we shouldn't be made to feel like we need to "hide" our sport, which is entirely legal and contributes massively to local economies everywhere. All I'm suggesting is that we can avoid getting unjustified rocks thrown at us by the snowflake brigade with a little forethought. Not saying I like it, just that it's a possible middle ground for avoiding potential conflict. Anyhoo, a good discussion with well-made points of view all round. 👍
  18. Yeah, and I'm not saying we should become snowflakes, rather that we can help ourselves by being aware that not everyone on the internet is as practically-minded as us anglers are. Agree that angling impact is nothing compared to trawlers. As an aside, I've seen spear-fishers at work in Devon and Dorset. Probably happens in Cornwall too, or anywhere in the UK that has clear enough water and isn't bloody freezing. If I weren't such an unfit fucker I'd seriously consider giving it a go myself as I'd love to see what goes on underwater to help me become a better angler.
  19. @suzook12, the thinking about spear fishing is that you kill only what you need. To fish for the pot with hook and line you typically have to bring several fish to the boat before you find one that's in size and therefore eatable. With spear-fishing you don't pull the trigger unless it's big enough to eat. Also, letter-box sizing is possible too. The diver can choose to avoid the undersize fish and those that are the large breeding females, only targeting the plate-sized ones. In respect of middle ground - this isn't really about what anglers think... it's about what non-anglers think. Finding a middle ground where anglers can still celebrate their catches without giving those of an easily-offended disposition (and Fisty) cause for concern can only be a good thing for the public relations of our sport.
  20. Hi Mike, Yes, I have plenty left. £3 each plus £1.50 P&P. PM me your address and I'll pop them in the post.
  21. 8/10 for that one Luke. So true! 🤣
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