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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Sorry to hear that Micky. Jon mentioned that you'd run into some challenges with the engine. Shame that it's had to be stripped - did the engineer find the cause in the end?
  2. Or jokes that have got lost on the way to their own threads.
  3. If it had spooled me then I couldn't have caught it to tape its mouth shut now could I...
  4. Maybe... but I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
  5. I don't use mono backing. I wrap electrical tape round the spool a few turns to give the braid something to bite into, then fill the spool with braid. It's comforting to know that if I ever hook into something really big I'll have plenty of braid available. Still waiting though...
  6. Thanks for posting @Pecheur Anglais. Done.
  7. 7/10 from me too. Chuckle-worthy and with apt subject matter. 🤣
  8. Exactly. This is the sort of incident that handheld VHF and PLB are perfect for. I clip mine onto my lifejacket so they're always with me. No good to me in a locker if I go MOB.
  9. Rag and stick with engine and electrical failure drifts for 3 days before being found at random by border cutter. Hope he bought a lottery ticket at Dover... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-55611277
  10. Go on Jon, you should really turn the screws on them...
  11. Well, this focus on mono seems to be to be all about getting the lead to dig in, which physically speaking, could be achieved with the same diameter braid or maybe an extra long length of leader. Not sure I could ever go back to mono straight through - just seems so antique. And as for casting with braid, the shore boys seem to manage fine at 100+ yards, so I reckon I'll be ok at 30-50. Happy to be persuaded otherwise though.
  12. Yeah, that's funny but not really realistic, given that on the boat we're only really giving it a lob, not a full beans cast, and nothing that can't be managed with an educated thumb.
  13. In theory then we could use whatever braid has the same diameter as 25lb mono? Or is there some other reason that mono is preferable? Reason I ask is that I've done a bit of uptiding, with braid, and it seemed to work ok, and I'm not sure I can be buggered to spool up a reel with mono again - I only ever use mono for leader material these days.
  14. You tell 'em Jon! Glad we've got you here, whiter than white, to keep us all on the straight and narrow... 😉
  15. That's a shame about Stan. Maybe he just has too much work at present but either way you're the customer, right?! Keep us posted about Chris Dance. I've heard his name but not seen any of his work. 👍
  16. Ok, so it's your actual boat we're talking about. In which case I'd hazard a guess that the T- pieces will still be there but blanked off. Is there an inspection hatch near where the second helm was that you could open up to see if you can see the hoses and any T pieces? Mine is in the cabin side wall just before the rear cabin wall, and the hoses that supply the second station run through the rear cabin wall to the second helm unit. Yours could be routed the same.
  17. On mine that's all part of the selector switch.
  18. Do you mean the boat model used to be dual helm, or your actual boat? If the latter you may be lucky and find that whoever removed the second station may have simply blanked off the existing T pieces rather than using new single station lines. Could make your re-conversion much quicker and simpler to unblank them fit new second station lines if so. Would also be curious to know why they removed the second station in the first place.
  19. Mine has no line lock (valves in the helm units take care of that). Single ignition key in the cabin, selector switches at each station ensure that only one throttle lever is active at any time to avoid accidental throttle up at the station not in use.
  20. The hydraulics required are on the face of it surprisingly straightforward. Hoses and T pieces from the second helm into the existing lines, and in some cases a balance line (depending on your existing helm unit - mine don't have one). However, for most hydraulic lines "simply adding a T piece" isn't that straightforward. It's not like cutting and adding a T piece on a fuel line. New lines will probably need to be made up with new swage joints at the correct point to add in a T piece. Then there's the question of access to run the new lines behind panels etc. It would be a pretty big effort, and possibly cost if you're paying for labour. No need for line locks, the helm units have inbuilt valves to stop over pressure and to stop the other helm from turning when one is in use. The other big issue will be the cost/availability of the second station mouldings and the cost of the fly by wire kit (harness, station selector and throttle lever).
  21. I agree Steve. That was exactly my thinking after I saw this article this morning... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-55587460 Despite the fact that the article states that fishing should be "local", there will always be those who don't read past the headline and then assume they have carte blanche to fish wherever they choose...
  22. Another day, another change of direction? This morning's headlines include one about government and police now cracking down on enforcement of rules, rather than engagement with the public. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-55597265
  23. Yes, I just read the same. A potentially significant development.
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