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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. I've heard TVP say the same but prior to this lockdown. One of the parents at my son's school is an officer and he told my wife that their force focuses their efforts on large house parties and gatherings and that they don't do individual stops or beauty spot stakeouts. Whether that will change with this new lockdown... who knows.
  2. Just keeping Jon on the straight and narrow. Move along...
  3. You should think yourself lucky I played along instead of pulling you up about your mate "Fred". We've had words about him before...
  4. @Peachey, what's the latest with this? Did you find a boat or still looking?
  5. The lake is being turned into an inland saline habitat for them, and when it's ready I plan to start breeding and farming them. The world needs more dogfish!
  6. The call of the dogfish is indeed strong, so I planned ahead and I now have a small pack of them living in our bath. I can now go dogging whenever I like! 🐢🐟🎣
  7. What do they say is the difference then between 291i and 292i?
  8. Another vote for 291 here, although for sheer stickiness EBT is worth a look - not sure it's rated for underwater applications but it's marketed as waterproof, so maybe.
  9. Whilst I'm inclined to consider the Derbyshire police response as an attempt to make a strong and visible point (which may or may not be successfully challenged), I also think it's probably no bad thing that police forces come out strongly on this. It certainly gets the message across loud and clear, and let's face it, it will probably take dare I say "heavy-handed" police responses such as this to force the public to think twice about whether driving out of your village/town is really acting in the spirit of the lockdown, irrespective of whether the legislation is ambiguous or undefined. I'm starting to ask myself whether the AT has perhaps done more harm than good with their lobbying. It has given us an opportunity to give angling a bad name, such as in @Odyssey's recent example of someone driving from Exeter to Minehead. It'll only take a couple of high-profile instances of anglers being caught way out of their local area for public sentiment to turn against us and then the government will have to act to ban fishing again... and potentially take a more strict view of angling in future.
  10. So it seems that driving even 5 miles for exercise is not permitted... in Derbyshire at least. Two women go for a walk round a reservoir after separately driving 5 miles from their homes, and each get handed Β£200 fines. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-55560814 Local danglers beware?
  11. Andy135


    Very good! I'm sat here here trying not to giggle whilst helping my 8 year old on his school video call. πŸ€πŸ˜‚ 8/10.
  12. Don't encourage him! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£
  13. Ouch! You sod! 🀣 I was posting about the irony of the name, not about it sinking...
  14. And I've just seen that they've discovered that two existing drugs are also effective at mitigating the inflammation associated with severe Covid cases, and is estimated to save an extra life for every 12 cases. This should help shorten the average stay in ICU and therefore ease some of the pressure on the NHS too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55574662
  15. And do you think he even realises that he's crashing someone else's thread, AGAIN? πŸ™„ Reckon he's doing it on purpose...
  16. Under an hour? I wish. I can make it from mine to Mercury in just over an hour, but to Gosport/Langstone is around 80-90 mins. But it's all moot for me until the end of lockdown. πŸ˜ͺ
  17. I guess its about limiting the potential for exposure and spreading. Note I use the word "potential". The thinking is that as you're already out working, you shouldn't then be out for recreation as it's yet another opportunity to spread the virus unknowingly.
  18. Well, yes there may be a hint of envy in my posts, but the fact is that the more we all stay at home the safer everyone will be. We don't have to like it to know it makes sense.
  19. I think Luke's point is that if you locals are let out to fish, then where do we draw the line? When they see you lot fishing, folks who live 10 miles away will also want to go (and there's no real justification to stop them), and then those who are 15 miles away want to go, and those who live 40+ miles away etc etc. Better that we all suck it up now with no exceptions or exemptions and keep people safe. Hard to argue against this way of thinking in my opinion.
  20. Andy135

    big rob

    Not to mention those with dodgy senses of humour... πŸ˜‰
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