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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Where does Egg Custard come into this? Have you been on the sauce all afternoon again??
  2. Agreed. So the ideal wreck would be mostly intact with some debris scattered then?
  3. Surely the wider the debris field the more potential habitats for bait fish and therefore more predators?
  4. Anyone get anything good? Or even anything fishing related? I got socks... with fish on them.
  5. What's mean is bringing it up at every possible opportunity again. I swear he goes on about that more than I do about my new boat. Have I told you about my new boat...??
  6. Not someone else's, just yours.
  7. We already told you. One-to-one meetings are allowed outdoors. That's all.
  8. Well, it's official. I've got cabin fever bad. Gagging for a dangle but stuck here inland. Fingers crossed the forecast for next week holds...
  9. Believe you can still meet one other person outdoors.
  10. If it's calm enough it might be worth pushing out a bit. Either S of Needles or Foul Grounds. Big tides though.
  11. Yep, me too. Weather looks promising for the end of the month... 🤞😬
  12. Something has definitely got lost in translation here...
  13. Thanks EO. A Merry BFH Christmas to you too 🎄🎄😄
  14. Well, if the cap fits! But I have to say Steve.... it takes one to know one 😉🤣
  15. Sounds like fun Scott 👍 I've yet to get out there, so if you fancy a buddy boat next time you go, give me a shout.
  16. Festive wishes to you all. Here's hoping you have a peaceful Christmas, whatever tier you happen to be in. All the best, 👨‍🦰👽
  17. The recieved wisdom seems to be that outdrives are indeed high maintenance, and that owners skimp on maintenance at their peril.
  18. What do we reckon would be more productive from an angling perspective? My instinct tells me an intact wreck would be a better habitat for reef loving fish (pollack, cod etc) and drifting would be a better tactic on these. A broken up wreck or one with a large debris field would in theory be good for conger or ling, and probably worth fishing at anchor. Am I off the mark here? What do the Outlaws think?
  19. Anyone tried a carp boilie in the salt? Full of oils etc I'm wondering if they might be worth a (dog)fish or two?
  20. Any update on this one Jed? How are you getting on?
  21. Good. It should be fixed now anyway but shout if something goes awry.
  22. FFS Jon, stop crashing Swampy's threads 🤣. There's a perfectly good thread for memes here:
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