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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Should be fixed now. I can now see the larger desktop image on Firefox. Will our Firefox users please confirm.
  2. It's an issue with the Firefox browser. Geoff uses an antique version of FF, but GPS has flagged the same on a later version, and I've just downloaded the latest version to try it out and I get the same. I've re-coded the previous narrow version again, but kept the mobile changes, so mobile users can still see the large image. I'll have to work out what's up with FF on desktop -possibly something to do with pulling the banner image from imgur, but then the narrow version is also hosted on imgur and that seems to work fine with Firefox. Personally, I think all our users should just get onto Chrome and be done with it... 😉
  3. It's here, just bigger Geoff. Can you not see it?
  4. No experience of fishing in the area, but will be keeping my finger crossed for you that you're able to go 🤞
  5. Ouch! Looks like these guys had a lucky escape! Glad that no one was killed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-55422884
  6. Here's another memorable trip... https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/topic/94-jy177s-shakedown-trip/
  7. Good call Luke. The boat session that sticks in my mind is from the summer, on Tarlach Too with the youngsters. We did more laughing than fishing that day! Link below.
  8. What's her planned use for it? Would she be taking it miles offshore, or is it to be an inshore fishing/dive boat?
  9. Nice work! Looks like a great bit of kit, and I bet it goes well with a 60 on the back 👍
  10. Use it as a coaster? All the schematics and manual is available on their website.
  11. Are you sure? I thought he was from Dogenham?
  12. You've bloody done it again! Start your own thread FFS!
  13. Well hello there! An Outlaw who's come back to the fold 👍 You've probably not seen our new forum site - enjoy! Good to have you with us.
  14. Somewhere out there there's a circus missing two of their clowns...
  15. I have a Blue Sea Add-A-Battery kit on my 165, which comes with a VCR. I find it to be a fit-and-forget solution to twin battery charge management. Well worth it in my view.
  16. Well done Jed - always nice to see people willing to help others. 👍
  17. From Sea Anchors to Jelly Wrestling... only on Outlaws 🤣👍
  18. Definitely worth closer inspection over an extended period of time - all in the name of research of course... 😉
  19. Not negative, just realistic. Too many things that could snag the drone - strong currents, eddies around the wreck, the wreck itself, lost nets and pot lines, lost angling gear with trailing line...
  20. Who wants to lose a grands-worth of kit??
  21. I like the idea of a GoPro. Cheaper to use (and potentially lose) than Fisty's dumb idea of a thousand pound drone. 🤦‍♂️
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