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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Thanks Pecheur - appreciated. She's a keeper πŸ‘
  2. https://www.offshoreoutlaws.co.uk/forum/32-outlaws-abroad/
  3. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀏
  4. Not obvious at all. Maybe he's just being sensible and canvassing opinion on the best way to go about it, so that he can avoid the mistakes of others? But that's cold comfort if a mistake ends up causing loss of function 12 miles out. This is the reason why I do as much as I can myself on the boat - if anything goes wrong, there's a good chance that I can fix it on the spot, which could mean the difference between getting home safely under my own steam or calling the RNLI out for a tow just because of, say, a blown fuse.
  5. Watching this thread with interest. If there's concensus for an Outlaws Abroad sub-forum we can certainly set one up.
  6. What's got your knickers in a twist today then? You've been sniping at Jed across a couple of threads now, telling him he's got a wiener, then saying he'll fuck up his install. Poor lad. Got to build him up, not knock him down. πŸ‘
  7. How handy with DIY are you? If you know one end of a spanner from the other then firstly (and this might seem obvious, but here goes...) read all the instructions. I know, I know, we're blokes and we hate to read instructions, but in all seriousness, the manufacturers design this stuff to be pretty much plug and play these days, so it's probably worth sitting down with a cup of tea/coffee/whisky and reading everything first just to see what's involved. Then you can figure out whether it's something you feel capable of taking on. The HDS will be simple - I can talk you through it if you get stuck (I've done enough of them across several boats). Then you'll need to set up an NMEA2k network for your Precision 9, AC12 and NAC2 to talk to each other and your HDS9 - again, setting up an N2k network is straightforward - just a couple of power connections and that's it - everything else is literally just plugging the network leads into the backbone. I have no experience of installing an RPU80, but again, follow the guidance in the manual/installation guide. If you get stuck, just shout and we'll do our best to help.
  8. 🀣🀣 You tell 'em Jed! Got to make sure they keep their necks wound in πŸ‘
  9. Just imagine! I mean, who on earth would do that...??
  10. Takes one to know one, does it Fishy? 🀣
  11. IIRC @mick has a thing for rubber too?
  12. I can see you'll fit right in here! πŸ€£πŸ‘
  13. Nothing wrong with a bit of rubber for the fetishists amongst us πŸ˜‰πŸ€£
  14. Thanks for sharing! As Luke said on your Intro thread, there's no boat snobbery here - and actually I'm rather envious that you can be on the water in 5 mins! It takes me at least 90 mins from door to wheelhouse. I can see the advantages in a boat like yours, not only in terms of cost of ownership but let's face it, often the best sessions are those that happen on the spur of the moment, snatching a quick 30 mins whilst the gulls are working close to shore. With that level of flexibility I bet you're able to get more fish on deck than most of the bigger boats πŸ‘
  15. Have I told you about my favourite species yet....?? 🐢🐟😍
  16. Good work - I can almost hear your wallet gently weeping! πŸ˜ͺ🀣
  17. Welcome to the forum! Good to have you with us. Where abouts in North Wales are you? There's some lovely coastline around there, and good fishing too. @Plaicehunter is a boat bass lure afficionado - I'm sure he'll be along to share some tips & tricks. What boat do you have? Post up some pics on the Show us yer Boat thread as we do love a bit of boat porn here 😁 Tight lines!
  18. Shore bassing I would have thought. They would work well at that mark that Tadpole took you to.
  19. What are they supposed to be? Can't really see. Grubs, shrimps or what?
  20. Interesting to hear that. I did wonder whether sweet jelly worms would work.
  21. Not personally but Graeme Pullen did a vid where he used them for wrasse fishing from shore. He caught plenty.
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