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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. What I want to know is... when you gonna get out of bed and make Fisty's power handle for him??
  2. No pics and no details you fool. #surroundedbyidiots
  3. Yeah, but you're not getting your new handle from Tesco are you 👅
  4. Or maybe you've been naughty this year and he won't be visiting?
  5. I've not been out for a couple of weeks now and I'm starting to get that all-pervading feeling of frustration. The weather on the south coast looks iffy for next weekend too. Might need to snatch a mid-week session if there's a break in the weather. 😬
  6. Yesterday I was sent some pics of a 20lb cod caught somewhere in the Wight area. One of the ECA members had it. Hoping he'll come on here and share the pics and put up a catch report 👍.
  7. @Saintly Fish so when do you reckon you'll have this? Will Father Zookmas be coming down your chimney in time for Christmas?
  8. Come on then all you newbies, anyone have some suggestions for good dogfish bait?!
  9. Nope. And that's my point. By the time you've navigated your VHF's MMSI menu and found your target station's MMSI entry it's just quicker and easier to raise your target on 16. If the VHF manufacturers paid more attention to the usability of their menu functions it might be different, but users will always take the easy option, not necessarily the technologically smart option.
  10. Yep, agreed. By the time you've navigated through the VHF menus by twiddling the knobs and pressing enter you may as well have just shouted your call to all and hope your target station picks up.
  11. Before trim tabs, try moving as much weight forward as you can. Even consider adding some weight if it helps to keep the bow down.
  12. Yep. I've heard the same. Moving weight forward is recommended to help with porpoising.
  13. Not quite. If you were truly wise, you'd know not to bother trying to teach an old dog new tricks...
  14. For me, it's the thought that if they really worked as suggested then they would come as standard from the outboard manufacturers. Happy to be proved wrong, but the development budgets and brainiacs of Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki etc are unlikely to have missed a trick.
  15. A wise man once said... you can't teach an old mutt new tricks.
  16. A darn nuisance you may be, but we're still waiting on the results... 😉
  17. 🤣🤣 I have a question... when will Geoff's boat be finished?
  18. No Geoff, too slow for me, and too many cushions...
  19. Touche, dear chap! Touche. Now bugger off and let the thread get back to finding @Jon cook a new boat.
  20. Hi Mike, Welcome to the Outlaws! You'll find lots of good advice on boats and boating on here. Any questions on boat-ownership, just ask 👍
  21. Keep it on topic you two...🙄
  22. Andy135


    She looks lovely Minters. How long have you had her? What engine?
  23. Has anyone tried shellfish? Limpets, razors etc?
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