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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Wise move to head in Mike. No heroes when fog is concerned. And well done on the mackerel. 👍
  2. Hi Brian, Welcome to the site. In answer to your question, I believe that the TotalScan unit does give better resolution than the Tripleshot. The Active Imaging 3-in-1 is the next step up in quality again for not a lot of extra money over the TotalScan, but I'm not sure of compatibility with the Hook Reveal plotter. Something to bear in mind though, when I had a TotalScan I found that the positioning of the unit on the transom, and the transducer angle vs the line of the hull played a more significant role in getting decent sonar images than the difference between the various models of Lowrance transducer, so whichever one you decide on, it's worth taking the time to get it positioned just right. On a side note, are you Jeff @Jupiters Moon's friend that he mentioned was having transducer issues?
  3. Lovely report Malc, and good photography too.
  4. The site was offline for a couple of hours this morning whilst we deployed a large security & enhancement update. Apologies to all who found it offline. The size and length of the upgrade cycle took me by surprise this time, otherwise I'd have given advance notice. Let me know if you find anything unexpected but normal service should now be resumed.
  5. Andy135

    Pb Tope

    Nice fish!! Well done. That'll be a hard PB to beat. 👍
  6. Careful, @JonC will be along soon to tell you off for putting this in Boat Angling catch reports instead of shore reports 🙄
  7. Yeah, I threw the book at them but they just weren't playing. In retrospect it was a bit of a shit session really... #whatnodogs??
  8. @Saintly Fish was kind enough to offer me a trip out on Tarlach Too today. The plan was to hit low water slack at a shallow mark near Lymington for stingrays and gilthead bream, so we set off at early o'clock to grab the tail end of the ebb. As we headed west we were greeted by a large flock of gulls working the water dead ahead of us. It would have been rude not to stop and see if we could bust the blank early doors. So with some feathers hastily tied on we were both soon into mackerel, and even a bonus school bass for me. With 10 or so mackerel in the bucket we headed further west and soon dropped the anchor on our mark. Didn't take long for the bites to start. Small black bream were nibbling our worm baits but the baits lasted long enough for Neil to hook into a decent stingray. During the fight it even managed to flap clear of the water - who knew stingrays could fly?? Not content to rest on his laurels, soon after he hauls up a lovely gilthead bream which went to 2lb on the scales. I'll leave it to him to post some pics of his catches. As the tide flooded the weed became unmanageable, so we pushed out into the navigation channel where smoothounds were the target. Skipper did good and put us on the fish. Again, I'll leave Neil to post up some pics of his hounds, but suffice to say he caught more of them, and they were bigger! 🤣 I also managed a nice little black bream from this mark, on a 1/0 hook intended for dogfish. As the time ticked on we decided to move closer to home and stop off at another shallow mark to see if we could find any more giltheads. I managed to find a productive method by casting sideways and letting my ragworm and ball weight trundle around in the tide. A fair-sized schoolie bass and several bream fell to this technique. Neil managed another couple of good smoothounds here to round off the day. Six species from three marks in six hours of fishing. Quality sunshine, quality giggles and quality skippering. Got to hand it to him, @Saintly Fish did good today - thanks mate, it was a brilliant session!
  9. Top effort there! Well done to all. Very good session 👍
  10. Good session! Well done for taking the boy out and getting him onto the fish. He must have enjoyed that smoothound scrap! Kudos to all 👍
  11. Sorry about that. Our pockets are only so deep, and we need to keep the size limits manageable in order to be able to keep the site going without advertising.
  12. Ah, shame but makes sense if it was just sat on the drive looking longingly at you every time you walk past it.
  13. Mick, I thought you had a rib on a trailer? Or am I mis-remembering?
  14. Consider this a Level 1 warning @JonC
  15. I used black marker pen on white rope. One mark every 10m and just counted them down.
  16. Andy135

    Sea trials

    Meant to ask, what's the rad for? Was it cold out there?
  17. Andy135

    Sea trials

    Excellent result! Well done. And bonus points for the potty training sticker - you're definitely making progress 🤣
  18. Hardly qualifies as a fish pic... Give me a minute and I'll make you a new sub-forum for "Iffy photos of the ones that got away/snagged the bottom/if it quacks" #codscarf
  19. Awesome! #bestfishever! Loving the purple gloves too 🤣👍
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