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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+muffin+top&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB831GB831&oq=definition+of+muffin&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l4j0i22i30l3.6811j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. These two are either going to have a fight or get a room... Place your bets now!
  3. Now there's a thread-crash if ever I saw one! Any reason you couldn't start a new one of your own??
  4. Very good Swampy. 8/10.
  5. How could he possibly tell whether it was any worse? I mean, seriously?! Whatever happens, you dodged a bullet with that one and if you only end up out of pocket by £4.70 that's still a result instead of being stuck with the reel and down £75 or whatever.
  6. Yep, they've cleaned out the Solent too! 🤣 #whosthecodthief?
  7. I like the sound of that Pete! Thanks for sharing 👍
  8. I reckon it was the flux capacitor. They're known for being a bit iffy when you feed them the wrong isotope of plutonium.
  9. Well done for spotting it as a scam Pete. Many wouldn't, which is why the scammers keep doing it.
  10. I bet you never thought you'd find yourself typing that... I mean, boiler faults? Interesting? Really?? 🤣
  11. But there's no big climax apparently...
  12. And you wouldn't have us any other way Pete 😉👍
  13. Dont you put words into my mouth you cheeky fucker! 🖕🤣 I was thinking more along the lines of which actress would play the female lead, but I can see you're bored today "working from home" so I expect we'll get another snarky answer from you 😜
  14. Another vote for Lee Marlow (LM Marine Services). Knows his stuff and is a nice bloke to deal with.
  15. I don't have an aux on either of my boats, and so far (touch wood!) I've not needed one either.
  16. Like it. So who would be the female lead playing the homeowner?
  17. Kudos for taking a chance on a narrow weather window, and it's a shame the pollack weren't there yet. Still, decent-sized pout make good eating, so not all bad 👍
  18. What sort of things should prospective buyers look for if they're considering a low hours engine? How can they tell whether it's a good one or not?
  19. Andy135

    Hi all,

    Looks like you'll fit right in then 😉 We're a bit different to WSF on here, but in a good way 👍
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