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Everything posted by Andy135

  1. Good write up Alan, and a most successful session! Can you stick up the link on it's own post in the catch reports for others to find more easily? 👍
  2. Good write up Martin, even if it was a bit of a frustrating day. That feeling when a good one escapes never gets any easier 😭 Thanks for sharing 👍
  3. Indeed. Means we must be doing something right. 👍
  4. 🤣 Yeah, I know nothing Jon Snow! 👍
  5. Well done for getting out at least 👍
  6. Got to stay on top of this lot Alan. Plenty of chatter to be had here. 👍🤣
  7. Oh the shame! 🤣 Bad luck Sinker. Fingers crossed the fix goes smoothly. I'm sure you'll see the light soon enough and get rid, but until then we're all here to offer moral support... and we may also point and laugh a bit 🤣👍
  8. That's a result then. Presume you still have the reel too? You gonna post it back?
  9. Sounds like fun! Don't forget to post up a catch report 👍
  10. Well done Ian. As Neil says, mackerel are like hen's teeth over here. Good work.
  11. If you're fishing the Solent with Jon on the weekend I will publicly eat my hat 🤣
  12. Might as well milk it I suppose 👍
  13. I doubt it but thanks for the compliment nonetheless 🤣👍 The Saint and I are hatching a plan for the Solent on Sunday. Somewhere, out there, there's some cod with our names on them. What are your targeting?
  14. What a shameful situation. I feel for @jonnyswamp. After all, he's got the thin end of the wedge in all this. 😕
  15. I suspect that Nick and gang are not actually system admins, but they're mods with elevated privileges that stop short of true admins. He/they may not be able to change Group settings to make the changes you're (quite sensibly) suggesting.
  16. Bump for stickers. Any newbies fancy an Outlaws sticker for their tubs?
  17. Thanks Jon! Appreciated 👍👍
  18. He's having a whale of a time with that one 🐳
  19. Sure looks like a bloater to me.
  20. Have we moved onto fish jokes now then?
  21. Seriously Jon, take that shit down! Its awful, even for Outlaws... 🦃🤮
  22. You're right. If ever we needed one, now is the time 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🙈
  23. It wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true. Just saying... 🤣
  24. He now wears the title of Primary Administrator.
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